monday afternoon quaterback# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
a quick superbowl recap: it sure wasn't played according to anybody's plan.
the denver broncos flatout did not show up to the game, and on such a stage
you simply can't afford not showing up to the game. the seahawks came out
alive and energized, dealing from minute one. you have to almost feel bad
for the seahawks fans for winning one of the most forgettable superbowl
games in history with this landslide victory.
let's also congratulate the denver broncos for having a highly accomplished
season and setting new records for touchdowns and points scored in a season.
one bad game does not diminish a great season and a group of talented
players. what i will remember about this game 10 years from now is peyton
manning's eyes in the 4th quarter, it was as intense as it was at kickoff.
that unyielding grit even in the dying minutes of a hopeless game is almost
haunting. you don't get someone that's more professional than him. you just
don't. he had a tough day in the office, but what a true class act he's
always been.
the takeaway from the big game? defense may not be sexy but it wins you
games, as is the case in many other sports, and if you do it on a consistent
enough basis, defense can win you a championship.
let me also take this opportunity to thank all of you who have participated
in our betting gig this season. win or lose, i hope you all had fun (
sometimes through agony). i hereby declare that you are all winners.
sharing a football song i really like. these pep talks really makes your
blood boiling.
I only briefly watched the pre game show and noticed that Wilson is so
handsome! And looked up his wife on the Internet...

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 a********l 的大作中提到】
: a quick superbowl recap: it sure wasn't played according to anybody's plan.
: the denver broncos flatout did not show up to the game, and on such a stage
: you simply can't afford not showing up to the game. the seahawks came out
: alive and energized, dealing from minute one. you have to almost feel bad
: for the seahawks fans for winning one of the most forgettable superbowl
: games in history with this landslide victory.
: let's also congratulate the denver broncos for having a highly accomplished
: season and setting new records for touchdowns and points scored in a season.
: one bad game does not diminish a great season and a group of talented
: players. what i will remember about this game 10 years from now is peyton

you have the right spirit, that's what being a football fan is all about.

【在 o**s 的大作中提到】
: I only briefly watched the pre game show and noticed that Wilson is so
: handsome! And looked up his wife on the Internet...
: .
: stage
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8


【在 o**s 的大作中提到】
: I only briefly watched the pre game show and noticed that Wilson is so
: handsome! And looked up his wife on the Internet...
: .
: stage
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

en his wife is his high school sweet heart. LD said that he got married too
pro athletes do what they want to do, being married does not deter them one


【在 o**s 的大作中提到】
: en his wife is his high school sweet heart. LD said that he got married too
: early...

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