A new 70-200mm coming (CR2)# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
"We’re told again that Canon is developing a follow-up to the EF 70-200mm f
/2.8L IS II. The new lens design is said to be a little bit lighter, a new
IS system and optical upgrades as well.
While we weren’t given a timeframe on when we could expect an announcement,
the source did say that the new lens appeared on an “internal roadmap”,
which usually means the product is coming within 12 months. As with all
things lenses, there can sometimes be significant delays (i.e. EF 200-400 f/
4L IS 1.4x).
The latest EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II was announced in March of 2010, which
would make a 2017 announcement 18-24 months quicker than the previous update
, as the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS was announced in September of 2001.
I will note that this is the first time we’ve seen the aperture mentioned,
we’ve been wondering if it was going to be a new f/4 or a new f/2.8."
zz from Canonrumors
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