机会正在一点点减少# Piebridge - 鹊桥
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忍痛转让一张双人 Malibu Wine Tasting Coupon. Expires on Jan 30th, 2014
Malibu & Vine Outdoor Wine Bar
Two souvenir wine glasses (a $6 value)
Two flights of four wines each (a $16 value)
Choice of one bottle of wine from Saddlerock pinot gris, Saddlerock cabernet
2010, Saddlerock chardonnay, Saddlerock syrah 2010, Saddlerock merlot 2010,
or Turtle Rock 2005 (up to a $28 value)
有兴趣的请 PM
,没有时间。 谢谢
Malibu & Vine Outdoor Wine Bar
Two souvenir wine glasses (a $6 value)
Two flights of four wines each (a $16 value)
Choice of one bottle of wine from Saddlerock pinot gris, Saddlerock cabernet
2010, Saddlerock chardonnay, Saddlerock syrah 2010, Saddlerock merlot 2010,
or Turtle Rock 2005 (up to a $28 value)
有兴趣的请 PM
,没有时间。 谢谢