>> 一个公司一般有几个dba?
It really depends. I met several DBAs in a Oracle 11g upgrade seminar this
year, two of them told me that they are the only DBA in their company.
There are 18 people ( 17 are DBAs) reporting to my boss. The one that is
not a DBA is a mananger who have 7 orther DBAs reporting to him. We are
production support group. There are 10-20 DBAs in India who support non-
production databases. They are hiring more India guys in India to manage
production databases now. The whole company should have 100-150 DBAs I
guess. I am in one of the biggest telecom.
>> 搞database的,在公司除了做dba,还有什么职位? 刚进公司的时候,不可能直接就做
I know one chinese girl in my group is a Java developer for 7 years then her
group removed and she was assigned DBA role 2 year ago. In recent years, I
did not observe that my company directly hire some DBA as employee in USA.
They offer contract position first. In the past 3 years at least 5 contract
DBAs converted to permanent positions.