☆─────────────────────────────────────☆ chivalryman (Admin) 于 (Thu May 22 17:30:24 2008) 提到: 感觉C#没什么新意!抄袭了C/C++又抄袭JAVA。为什么国际社会允许它存在呢?搞得我 们这些人活受罪总有学不完的语言。学来学去感觉似曾相识。但细节上的差别又不是读 一读WIKIPEDIA的介绍就能达到实战水平的。吭哧吭哧学半年多,不定哪天又冒出个[email protected] 来---又白学了!FAINT! 都怪C/C++这两个老不死的子孙众多,生养遍地,谁都相继成正统! ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆ faucetQ (fq) 于 (Thu May 22 17:51:31 2008) 提到: Anders Hejlsberg, Anders Hejlsberg, Anders Hejlsberg. ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆ fishdaddy (无) 于 (Thu May 22 18:07:30
4 楼
how often do you have to go to the route? how long is the route? it decides the gas cost and how long you will be on the road. will you have to live in motel? if yes, you will need spend money. are you willing to always on the road? how long did it take for them to reach $7000/month? 1 month? or 1 year? can they show the proof? "现在是卖主老公几乎都在这里打理生意" means you will be full-time. could you earn this $ with another job? $7000/month, substract cost (which is not $0), tax, and the $ you can earn locall
一年就基本回本,当然是值的。去哪里找PE=1, guaranteed profit的business. 不过这里的assumption是你的salary=0, 所以所有东西都进profit, 看你怎么 value自己的time了。 另外,以后有没有potential danger of losing the business? either through changed regulation, or new technology, or much strong competition? was the guy selling because he saw the writing on the wall?
so, it means you will have to check with these stores very frequently, just like the current owner did. So, do you have time to do that? if you have a job now, do you have to quit the current job? if yes, then it is the 'cost' of this business too (in your case). 这10几小城市,实际上都是在洛杉矶县境内,2个小时之内全部逛遍。 hehe, I'm at LA area too. The traffic is so bad. 2 hours for 10 cities? I don't think so. 不需要住旅馆,除非带着异性朋友一起。 never did it before, don't know. good luck, :) Just like others suggested, you can hire others