Facebook drops Bing in favor of its own search tool (转载)
Facebook drops Bing in favor of its own search tool (转载)# Programming - 葵花宝典
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发信人: wwzz (一辈子当码工), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Facebook drops Bing in favor of its own search tool
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 15 13:13:06 2014, 美东)
Facebook has quietly removed Microsoft-owned Bing as its primary search
engine, according to a new report.
The social network pulled Bing search from its Graph Search platform in
exchange for its own search tool that will allow users to find information
related to friends' posts and comments, Reuters reported.
Facebook was using Bing to produce search results as its in-house search
engine, allowing Facebook users to look for more information about their
friends. Selecting Bing as a partner was also a way for Facebook to keep
rival Google's search engine away from the social network.
The move comes as Facebook strengthens its other search tools. Earlier this
week, it updated the method to search for old Facebook posts. The social
network also revamped its trending news section, which makes it easier to
find news, and read different perspectives on the day's most popular stories
. What's more, it added a Twitter-like live feed that includes user mentions.
Company CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a conference call in July that search is
one of Facebook's main focuses to fuel growth, noting that 1 billion search
requests are entered into the site each day.
"There is more than a trillion posts, which some of the search engineers on
the team like to remind me, is bigger than any web search corpus out there,"
Zuckerberg said.
Facebook did not immediately respond to Mashable's request for comment.