ionic blog: web developer will rule the world
ionic blog: web developer will rule the world# Programming - 葵花宝典
The reality is that it’s really hard for most companies to staff and build
native mobile apps. This explains why most large companies outsource mobile
development. It also explains why so many companies complain about the cost
and time required to build apps, despite their generally smaller scope.
This, despite the fact that many large companies have tons of web developers
on staff! After we launched Ionic and started to get feedback, I realized
our true calling was to empower those developers to build for the mobile
platformtoday, without needing retraining, without having to make costly and
risky career changes.
I think this is really resonating with the Ionic community. It explains why
so many Ionic developers tell us they never built a mobile app before Ionic.
That we’ve enabled them to add another major area of expertise to their
resume. That they now feel like the can participate in the “App Economy”
and jump right into the future.
That’shuge, and runs contrary to the idea that the mobile developer
base isn’t growing. Ionic is literally creating new mobile developers. I am
so proud to be able to say that.
To that extent, I think being a web developer is an incredibly smart career
choice. As companies continue to fail to hire native developers and validate
the cost, and exhaust themselves supporting multiple large codebases in
different languages, they will continue to look to the web platform for a
way out.
With the rapid expansion of Javascript into nearly every area of application
, web developers can find interesting work as web designers,backend
engineers,desktop software developers,hardware hackers,drone pilots,
submarine captains, andmobile developers.
Javascript and HTML5/CSS are only going to continue to dominate in every
industry, enabling companies and teams to focus on building great software,
rather than suffering through hiring unique language and platform developers.
If software is eating the world, Javascript and the web stack are absorbing
all the nutrients (…I had to).
我觉得ux designer会rule the world


【在 h******b 的大作中提到】
: The reality is that it’s really hard for most companies to staff and build
: native mobile apps. This explains why most large companies outsource mobile
: development. It also explains why so many companies complain about the cost
: and time required to build apps, despite their generally smaller scope.
: This, despite the fact that many large companies have tons of web developers
: on staff! After we launched Ionic and started to get feedback, I realized
: our true calling was to empower those developers to build for the mobile
: platformtoday, without needing retraining, without having to make costly and
: risky career changes.
: I think this is really resonating with the Ionic community. It explains why

呵呵, 你们确定不是 ruin the world ...

【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得ux designer会rule the world
: developers
: and
: why
: Ionic.
