我原来在A公司是permanent employee,一直以contractor的身份被租到B公司工作。最 近B公司发现最好有个正式员工来handle我平时的project,所以1月份的时候登了招人 广告。我(内部)应聘被录取了。3月初我去给A公司老板three week notice的时候立 刻被fire,然后一周后我开始了在B公司的工作。现在A公司威胁要起诉我,说我违反了 non compete agreement,相关条款如下: To prevent the above-described disclosure, misappropriation and breach, I agree that during my employment and for a period of one (1) year after termination of the Period of Employment, without the Company's express written consent, I shall not, directly or indirectly, (i) employ, solicit for employment, or recommend for employment any person employed by the Company (or any Affiliate); and (ii) engage in any present or contemplated business activity that is or may be competitive with the Company (or any Affiliate) in any state where the Company conducts its business, unless I can prove that any action taken in contravention of this subsection (ii) was done without the use in any way of Confidential Information. 我的问题是我认为A和B不能算competitor。A跟B公司完全是两种公司。A是帮助其他公 司完成project的公司,类似于CRO公司。B公司是制药公司;而A公司完全不进行任何药 品的生产。我本身的职位只是低级员工(在A,在B都一样),不涉及任何商业机密和核 心技术(工作内容大致是帮助制定生产计划,协调内部不同部门进程,excel表格制作 等)。而且我在B公司的工作完全不跟其他B公司客户(或者A公司客户)打交道。 请问在这种情况下这个non compete agreement被enforce的几率是多大?A跟B公司都在 北卡州。还有,如果我被起诉,是A公司有义务举证我有利用专业知识或者引诱客户来 对他们造成损害,还是我的义务来举证我没有专业知识或者没有引诱客户? 谢谢!