Re: Rating your self-esteem# PsychoAnalysis - 心理分析
agree. Accept reality, accept everyone and then trying hard to work out a
solution for every problem, that will make life happier.
As for me, after I realized that my LD is not perfect and has his weakness, I
started to confront conflicts produced by commom life chores and work out
positively for solutions, that is: to fight intelligently instead of avoid
fighting totally. And I think I am more content now than when I held the
illusion before. And after confronting the problems and analysising t
Good for you. You are a very intelligent lady. When I got mad, I used to
keep it inside and then burst when i could not hold on any more. He later
asked me to tell whatever right away,dont hold it untill later. Now I just
yell and that hurts both of us. Because of the fight, we lost the love
I guess we lack communication and understanding.

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: agree. Accept reality, accept everyone and then trying hard to work out a
: solution for every problem, that will make life happier.
: As for me, after I realized that my LD is not perfect and has his weakness, I
: started to confront conflicts produced by commom life chores and work out
: positively for solutions, that is: to fight intelligently instead of avoid
: fighting totally. And I think I am more content now than when I held the
: illusion before. And after confronting the problems and analysising t

very true, communication and understanding are the key for maintain any good
relationship. I guess everyone has different way when dealing with anger. My
personality let me speak it out right away, as I said before I am that type of
person straight like an arrow and don't want to hide my feeling or thoughts.
My LD is right as you. He tends to act politely when he is annoyed, once he
can't bear any more he bursts out. I used to not understand while some
trivial things made him so angry, by and b

【在 l**d 的大作中提到】
: Good for you. You are a very intelligent lady. When I got mad, I used to
: keep it inside and then burst when i could not hold on any more. He later
: asked me to tell whatever right away,dont hold it untill later. Now I just
: yell and that hurts both of us. Because of the fight, we lost the love
: connection.
: I guess we lack communication and understanding.

I carefully read through your post. Thank you very much for the suggestions.
You are exactly right, indifference is worse than fight. It was said the
opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. There was a couple who used
to be in love and then the boy got dumped. The boy hated the girl and thought
he would hate her and remember her for the rest of his life. He didnt. Twenty years
later, when they met again. The girl asked, do you know me. The boy said, who
are you?
I work out a lot to get
Thanks for reading my louqutious (wordy?) post, :) I can't agree more with you
that indifference is the worst enemy for good relationship. And I guess your
bf cares you a lot because he dared to point out your weakness, and it is a
good sign for working out good relationship. And if you cool down after your
burst and think you are wrong, then try your best to say sorry to him. If he
doesn't answer your phone, just drop him a message, or a line by email or
mail; or even ask sb. to send a small pr

【在 l**d 的大作中提到】
: I carefully read through your post. Thank you very much for the suggestions.
: You are exactly right, indifference is worse than fight. It was said the
: opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. There was a couple who used
: to be in love and then the boy got dumped. The boy hated the girl and thought
: he would hate her and remember her for the rest of his life. He didnt. Twenty years
: later, when they met again. The girl asked, do you know me. The boy said, who
: are you?
: I work out a lot to get

Yes,I believe I might have a lot of anger inside of me that I did not know
how to release. Later friends asked me to go to the church, which did not
help. I tried to understand that sometimes things do not happen the way
I wanted. It is better now. Most of the time I can stay uninterrupted.
And I find out that the easier i am to myself, the easier I find life is.
Yes,every man needs to be spoiled once a while. I can be very sweet when
things are great. But as my bf said, i can be very mean when
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