Re: Why do we feel depressed?# PsychoAnalysis - 心理分析
Either this is too hard, or I am too stupid. Maybe both are true.
I believe what my book says: Depression is because of loss.
Depression hardly comes alone, unless it's from the a loss that is not in our
control, such as, loss of a family member, a house,a job. Otherwise,
depression is just the byproduct of one's other mental problem. The other
problem is the cause, the reason, the one should be addressed, be faced at, be
solved. Once the other problem, whatever it was, is solved, depression wil
Neither. I think there are some people who do not have a good reason to be
depressed. Feeling depressed for a short period of time for greif is healthy when
a family memeber passed away. But some people can be unhappy about everything.
That has nothing to do with the chemical element they are lack. For those, some
medicine like aprolexco(???) could help to stimulate such elements for them
to be happy. But for the rest,it is just their way of thinking. They always
concentrate on the bad things. L

【在 h******r 的大作中提到】
: Either this is too hard, or I am too stupid. Maybe both are true.
: I believe what my book says: Depression is because of loss.
: Depression hardly comes alone, unless it's from the a loss that is not in our
: control, such as, loss of a family member, a house,a job. Otherwise,
: depression is just the byproduct of one's other mental problem. The other
: problem is the cause, the reason, the one should be addressed, be faced at, be
: solved. Once the other problem, whatever it was, is solved, depression wil

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