梦见sex有什么意思?# PsychoAnalysis - 心理分析
several nights with a good friend i am attracted to,
but are not sure about having a long term relationship with.
this person is physically attractive, however, we never flirted
and always interacted in a respectful way.
is my subconscious telling me: this is the right one, go for it?
Thank you for sharing with us.
I have to confess I am not knowledgable enough to explain dreams. Windywendy
is much better than me. Hopefully she will educate us on your case soon. :)
I guess your dream may mean something if you don't have such dream when you
had same amount of respectful contact with other men /or women if you are a
guy. If you did not have much contact with the other sex, and he or she is the
first one you have respectful contact with, then your animal instinct may just
use hi

【在 f******e 的大作中提到】
: several nights with a good friend i am attracted to,
: but are not sure about having a long term relationship with.
: this person is physically attractive, however, we never flirted
: and always interacted in a respectful way.
: is my subconscious telling me: this is the right one, go for it?

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