manage ur relationship Re: 我真得很痛苦~~
manage ur relationship Re: 我真得很痛苦~~# PsychoAnalysis - 心理分析
well, as a married woman way much older than you, my suggestion is: every
relationship has its challenges. you couple is now having one and both of u
need to mutually work it out, by communication. Communication, communication
and communication.
You need to tell him what do you need: respection; and try to understand his
personality too. Usually the big brother in a family tends to be arrogant and
stuborn, and you have to try different skills to communicate well with him.
my 2 cents.



【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: well, as a married woman way much older than you, my suggestion is: every
: relationship has its challenges. you couple is now having one and both of u
: need to mutually work it out, by communication. Communication, communication
: and communication.
: You need to tell him what do you need: respection; and try to understand his
: personality too. Usually the big brother in a family tends to be arrogant and
: stuborn, and you have to try different skills to communicate well with him.
: my 2 cents.
: 数

well, comm has been mystified as magic cure-all,
unfortunately. my referal is "do waht you've got
to do." that's all. this might be counter-intuitive,
but the fact is she is not being challenged enough,
instead of too much. she needs challenging herself
navigating the cultural and psychological terrains.
be humble and admit you don't know. and then
start from there.good luck.

【在 p******e 的大作中提到】
: //spt
: 我想porpoise是那种典型的学文的人,比较敏感,比较跟着感觉.慢慢的成熟了就好了.
: 其实她老公的想法是很多人F1都有的.可能也是跟这里的生活压力比较大有关系吧.学理的
: 总是希望有个脚踏实地的看得见的稳定生活吧.上学就是其中一个最典型的道路.其实我想
: 他只是把自己的太太当成一个孩子,觉得这个孩子还不知道生存的艰难,所以有时候会象家
: 长一样看着做一些他认为对她好的事情吧.而且如果作为太太不上学,又喜欢舞文弄墨的,
: 做老公的大约会觉得心里不是很踏实吧.
: and
: —

oh, surely she should and can, everyone or more specifically every woman has a
dream to chase and fate to control, and as you can only live once, take your
time and chase it when possible. But be standing on the ground.
besides, what I mean about "challenges" are challenges for the relationship,
that is different from personal challenges, as you need to cooperate with
others. like a network protocol, always hard. you need to know what both need,
which called "bids". without communication and by

【在 r***n 的大作中提到】
: well, comm has been mystified as magic cure-all,
: unfortunately. my referal is "do waht you've got
: to do." that's all. this might be counter-intuitive,
: but the fact is she is not being challenged enough,
: instead of too much. she needs challenging herself
: navigating the cultural and psychological terrains.
: be humble and admit you don't know. and then
: start from there.good luck.

what i meant by "do what you've got to do" is that there are many things in
life that she cannot tackle with merely communicating. comm will never be
cure-all for all human troubles. and i venture - if i may, although i will
never know her true motives or sentiments, for, remember, this is
psychoanalysis board! - communication is not really the key issue for her. if
she lacks money, ask for some from her parents or obtain some through means
otherwise. if she lacks English proficiency, study hard

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: oh, surely she should and can, everyone or more specifically every woman has a
: dream to chase and fate to control, and as you can only live once, take your
: time and chase it when possible. But be standing on the ground.
: besides, what I mean about "challenges" are challenges for the relationship,
: that is different from personal challenges, as you need to cooperate with
: others. like a network protocol, always hard. you need to know what both need,
: which called "bids". without communication and by
