3 楼
不一定,South Hadley我很熟的,那个town也是个college town (Mt. Holyoke
College 也算是所有名的女校了),所以民风应该算是比较accepting的。
South Hadley High 我去过,陪我太太去面试,附近的Northampton High, Amherst
Regional High, 我都很熟,我太太实习就在那里做的。Northampton 和 Amherst 都是
极端liberal的town, 也都是college town, 里面亚裔不少(尤其是Amherst) 那个N年
bullying, 怎么说呢,学生里肯定有,但是老师未必知道,学生也要面子的,亚裔学生
是不是比较多被bully?不知道。当然学校里都有self segregation, 亚裔学生也不例
【在 g*******1 的大作中提到】
: 在这得ABC是不是也在学校也老被欺负?
: 一个白人女孩就因为转校都被欺负,那ABC是不是更惨?
College 也算是所有名的女校了),所以民风应该算是比较accepting的。
South Hadley High 我去过,陪我太太去面试,附近的Northampton High, Amherst
Regional High, 我都很熟,我太太实习就在那里做的。Northampton 和 Amherst 都是
极端liberal的town, 也都是college town, 里面亚裔不少(尤其是Amherst) 那个N年
bullying, 怎么说呢,学生里肯定有,但是老师未必知道,学生也要面子的,亚裔学生
是不是比较多被bully?不知道。当然学校里都有self segregation, 亚裔学生也不例
【在 g*******1 的大作中提到】
: 在这得ABC是不是也在学校也老被欺负?
: 一个白人女孩就因为转校都被欺负,那ABC是不是更惨?
4 楼
I felt one of the major reasons that this girl was bullied was she was very
good-looking and attractive to boys, hense causing other Caucasian girls'
Usually this doesn't apply to most ABC girls, not saying they are not good
looking, but Caucasian girls don't tend to think they are in the same
demographic group, as they won't be very jealous of good-looking African
American girls and Asian girls such as Lucy Liu
【在 g*******1 的大作中提到】
: 在这得ABC是不是也在学校也老被欺负?
: 一个白人女孩就因为转校都被欺负,那ABC是不是更惨?
good-looking and attractive to boys, hense causing other Caucasian girls'
Usually this doesn't apply to most ABC girls, not saying they are not good
looking, but Caucasian girls don't tend to think they are in the same
demographic group, as they won't be very jealous of good-looking African
American girls and Asian girls such as Lucy Liu
【在 g*******1 的大作中提到】
: 在这得ABC是不是也在学校也老被欺负?
: 一个白人女孩就因为转校都被欺负,那ABC是不是更惨?
5 楼
【在 a**********t 的大作中提到】
: I felt one of the major reasons that this girl was bullied was she was very
: good-looking and attractive to boys, hense causing other Caucasian girls'
: jealousy.
: Usually this doesn't apply to most ABC girls, not saying they are not good
: looking, but Caucasian girls don't tend to think they are in the same
: demographic group, as they won't be very jealous of good-looking African
: American girls and Asian girls such as Lucy Liu
【在 a**********t 的大作中提到】
: I felt one of the major reasons that this girl was bullied was she was very
: good-looking and attractive to boys, hense causing other Caucasian girls'
: jealousy.
: Usually this doesn't apply to most ABC girls, not saying they are not good
: looking, but Caucasian girls don't tend to think they are in the same
: demographic group, as they won't be very jealous of good-looking African
: American girls and Asian girls such as Lucy Liu
包子求, 如何把沈阳户口转到大连户口?卡扎菲这个笨蛋zt好大一盘棋,可惜不是围棋(图)zz从个案看规律佛山一女生被指争做“大姐大”遭围殴 视频被传上网国内研究力量提高很快国内还是崇洋媚外,洋博后面试校长亲自接待NED地域贴的情报收集作用 (转载)我斗胆来规划一下中国下五十年 (转载)弟弟要睡了2011中国(张家港)移动互联产业精英峰会(ZT)太无聊了,我也发个贴说说我在北京每个月的花费吧龟板人气下来了高级人才公示的榜样李稻葵:经济靠房地产发展模式已经过去 (转载)苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之,林则徐寄语左宗棠 (转载)这个海归的publication如何?苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之,林则徐寄语左宗棠 (转载)有大陆人员海归台湾的吗?浙江吴兴织里镇抗税事件:祸起“机头税”