McKinsey GCO APD Information & Case-Coaching Sessions
McKinsey GCO APD Information & Case-Coaching Sessions# Returnee - 海归
发信人: ringaric (ringaric), 信区: Consulting
标 题: McKinsey GCO APD Information & Case-Coaching Sessions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 13 05:41:08 2014, 美东)
Did you know that McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm,
has been hiring advanced professional degrees (APDs) just like you for over
20 years? Beyond countless success stories, we see huge opportunity for the
firm and you being part of the history with the rising of Greater China and
its economy.
To help you better understand how exciting McKinsey Greater China is, we
cordially invite those of you who hold/are pursuing a PhD, JD or MD degree
to join the four information sessions we're setting up in the US to learn
about our work, our people, and career opportunities with us.
To sign up for for the session that is close to you, please register at link
below. The sessions will be "by invitation only". More logistic details of
the event will be released to the invitees 1-2 days before it takes place.
Registration deadline
June 12 for sessions in Columbia and Harvard, June 18 for sessions in UCLA
and Stanford
Columbia University - June 15 Sunday, 12:30-2:30pm EST
Harvard University - June 16 Monday, 6:30-8:30pm EST
University of California, Los Angeles - June 21 Saturday, 12:30-2:30pm PST
Stanford University - June 22 Sunday, 12:30-2:30pm PST
*Please be noted that all the sessions will be delivered in Mandarin.
Three reasons for you to join us
1. The answer to your question
The Partner leading Greater China's APD recruiting efforts, along with a
group of PhD background consultants, will walk you through their real life
stories to elaborate why McKinsey Greater China is a top choice for you and
how a successful transition from academic to consultancy can be made. We
know where you come from, as we've been there!
2. A McKinsey "problem solving" experience
Unlike traditional campus talk where one presenter facing a hundred, in our
specially designed breakout
session and a much smaller team setting, you'll get the chance to do a mock
interview, practice a classic case, and of course interact closely with
probably the best case buddy you could find - our presenters who are also
adept interviewers!
3. Time for fun!
During the reception, not only you'll get the opportunity to have a good
chat with our people, but also to meet like-minded APD talents from other
majors or schools, broaden your network and make friends. Meanwhile, don't
forget to enjoy the hearty lunch/dinner served. We aim at seeing you leaving
not only with all your questions answered but also your stomach satiated!
A glance at presenter profiles
Yinuo Li - Partner, McKinsey Beijing office - PhD, University of California,
Los Angeles
Ting Wu - Engagement Manager, McKinsey Shanghai office - PhD, Columbia
Jingshi Hu - Engagement Manager, McKinsey Beijing office - PhD,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jie Cheng - Engagement Manager, McKinsey Shanghai office - PhD, California
Institute of Technology
Ting Guo - Associate, McKinsey New Jersey/Shanghai office - PhD, Johns
Hopkins University