签证预约2014年上网 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Visa 讨论区 】
发信人: billk (章芽吴爪), 信区: Visa
标 题: 签证预约2014年上网
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 27 23:16:55 2012, 美东)
Increasing Nonimmigrant Visa Processing Capacity in China
By Janice L. Jacobs, Assistant Secretary for Bureau of Consular Affairs at
the Department of State
Thank you for signing the petition "Switching to a free online visa
appointment scheduling system in China" on the We the People platform on
We are proud to welcome increasing numbers of Chinese tourists, students,
and businesspeople to the United States. Last year, the U.S. Mission to
China adjudicated more than one million U.S. visas for Chinese applicants,
representing a 34 percent increase over the previous year.
In order to efficiently manage the great demand for visa information and
appointment scheduling, the U.S. Mission to China presently uses a third-
party provider. The U.S. Department of State employs similar services at
many other embassies and consulates throughout the world.
The Department is currently implementing a worldwide Global Support Strategy
to modernize the current system of user-pays partnerships, which will
eliminate the need for separate fees by including services such as
information assistance, appointment scheduling, fee collection, and document
delivery as part of the standard applicable visa processing fee. This
Global Support Strategy has already been implemented in 35 countries, and a
worldwide rollout that includes China should be completed in 2014.
President Obama recently signed an Executive Order calling for a national
strategy to make the United States the world's top travel and tourism
destination. As part of this strategy, President Obama charged the
Department of State with increasing nonimmigrant visa processing capacity in
China by 40 percent, and with ensuring that 80 percent of nonimmigrant visa
applicants worldwide are interviewed within three weeks of receipt of their
applications. In addition, the Department of State is streamlining the
nonimmigrant visa process through a pilot program that allows consular
officers to waive interviews for some low-risk applicants worldwide who
renew their visa within 48 months of the expiration of their previously held
visa. You can learn more about the President's Executive Order and this
pilot program at the White House website.
Check out this response on We the People
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