最近新出了两本科幻小说, 而且分别和我最喜欢的两部科幻小说
Dune和Ender's Game有关, 对我而言实在是意外的意外.
其一是Dune的前集Dune:House Atreides. 当年Dune的作者Frank
Herbert去世后大家都以为Dune系列就此成为绝响. 后来Asimov
的遗孀和出版社找了三位如日中天的科幻作家Gregory Benford,
Greg Bear和David Brin来续写Foundation前集, 我等感叹一阵后,
个前集也出来了, 是由Frank Herbert的儿子和另一个人共同执笔
其二是Ender's Game的"同位集"(synquel, 新发明的词, xixi)
Ender's Shadow. 这部新小说既不是Ender's Game的前集(prequel),
也不是它的续集(sequel), 而是从另一个视角叙述同一个故事.
不过只是故事主线大体相同, 这部新小说总的来讲引入了很多新
的东西, 给你很多惊喜的同时, 也让你对同一些事件开始有了不

Ah! Finally another fun of Ender's Game.
I think Orson Scott Card is one of the best Sci-fi writers ever,
but for some reason, not many Chinese people hve heard of him, let
alone read one of his books.
I guess one of reason could be that the books Card wrote in 90s are really
crap. They have too much religious undertone (Card is a Mormon), and are
more fantasy than sci-fi.
But despite all that, the books Card wrote in the 80s are enough to
put him up there with some of the other great sci-fi wr

【在 c**c 的大作中提到】
: 最近新出了两本科幻小说, 而且分别和我最喜欢的两部科幻小说
: Dune和Ender's Game有关, 对我而言实在是意外的意外.
: 其一是Dune的前集Dune:House Atreides. 当年Dune的作者Frank
: Herbert去世后大家都以为Dune系列就此成为绝响. 后来Asimov
: 的遗孀和出版社找了三位如日中天的科幻作家Gregory Benford,
: Greg Bear和David Brin来续写Foundation前集, 我等感叹一阵后,
: 并没有想到同一模式能用到其他地方...直到前几天得知Dune的这
: 个前集也出来了, 是由Frank Herbert的儿子和另一个人共同执笔
: 的.
: 其二是Ender's Game的"同位集"(synquel, 新发明的词, xixi)


I really really loved Ender's game. It has become my military bible in some way.
little omipotent but it is ok for me to handle it. Xenocide was one boring book
so far... too much philosophical stuff going on that I hate the most. :( No
actions... ugh.. damn piggies.

【在 d*******r 的大作中提到】
: Ah! Finally another fun of Ender's Game.
: I think Orson Scott Card is one of the best Sci-fi writers ever,
: but for some reason, not many Chinese people hve heard of him, let
: alone read one of his books.
: I guess one of reason could be that the books Card wrote in 90s are really
: crap. They have too much religious undertone (Card is a Mormon), and are
: more fantasy than sci-fi.
: But despite all that, the books Card wrote in the 80s are enough to
: put him up there with some of the other great sci-fi wr


oops I meant "speaker for the dead".

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: I really really loved Ender's game. It has become my military bible in some way.
: little omipotent but it is ok for me to handle it. Xenocide was one boring book
: so far... too much philosophical stuff going on that I hate the most. :( No
: actions... ugh.. damn piggies.


"Speaker for the dead" and "xenocide" are indeed not upto the same level as
"Ender's Game". But they're still better than ur everage sci-fi offerrings.
And "speaker for the dead" (as well as Ender's Game) won both hugo and nebula.
Another book by Card is "songmaster", I guess it's more fantasy than sci-fi,
but it's very good. Card is a very good story teller.
Compare to ur average sci-fi writers, for some reason Card wrote much more
short fictions, there're some real gems. He has two published

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: oops I meant "speaker for the dead".

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