Hi, friends, when I start my computer, it stops after display such a message: "searching for Boot Record from IDE-0..ok LI " This problem occured after I made a new partition. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance!
What BS. Two reasons. You heard them here. 1. Racial discrimination. This is the most fundamental one. 2. Ideological discrimination. If you look around, Among all the ones the West discriminates against, the blacks, the Russian, the Japanese, the Chinese, only the Chinese meet both criteria above! Racial discrimination is at the root. Although most of them speak political correctness and talk a good game, you should know better.
大哥,美国大多数是基督教好发。。你是男的可能还好,女的话人家天天往家里发传单 ,打电话让我入教,还告诫我如果怀孕了千万不要堕胎,政府会帮忙的。NND,什么时 候我的生活让你们来决定了。 美国枪杀案不多?坐飞机还得提防着恐怖分子呢。中国人,不亚洲人堕胎都很随便的, 唉。。没办法,咱国家性教育没有西方开的那么早,男生女生尤其农村的怎么知道避孕 措施啊,所以说也是国家一个教育败笔。中国有问题的地方的确多啊,可是美国也没有 想象那么自由啊。 逛街不用担心被贼偷包,但是可能会惹到有种族歧视的人随便跟在你身后或者抛出一个 asian dick or asian slut。所以美国中国一半一半啦。不过对于男生来说在美国娶老 婆压力要小的多。