what's this virus?# Security - 系统安全
I received an email from a friend, and stupidly opened and ran the file.
After that, my pc became very very slow, and some programs were killed.
When I want to install some anti-virus program, the file was deleted.
What's that virus? The name of file I opened from email is "board.bat".
Who can help me to get rid of it? I re-installed the system(delete the
system file fold and re-install), but it's useless.
Thank you! because I can only use public computer, so I have to use
my poor English. Sorry


【在 r***g 的大作中提到】
: I received an email from a friend, and stupidly opened and ran the file.
: After that, my pc became very very slow, and some programs were killed.
: When I want to install some anti-virus program, the file was deleted.
: What's that virus? The name of file I opened from email is "board.bat".
: Who can help me to get rid of it? I re-installed the system(delete the
: system file fold and re-install), but it's useless.
: Thank you! because I can only use public computer, so I have to use
: my poor English. Sorry


Can you remember any text in the email subject or body? Do a google search
may give you some clue.
Just for your information, I met a virus named "Klez" several times in the
last few days. It also contained a file, which I didn't execute. Searching
online, I found this virus is clever enough to know the names of many AV
software, and delete their files if found.

【在 r***g 的大作中提到】
: I received an email from a friend, and stupidly opened and ran the file.
: After that, my pc became very very slow, and some programs were killed.
: When I want to install some anti-virus program, the file was deleted.
: What's that virus? The name of file I opened from email is "board.bat".
: Who can help me to get rid of it? I re-installed the system(delete the
: system file fold and re-install), but it's useless.
: Thank you! because I can only use public computer, so I have to use
: my poor English. Sorry

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