Help! I was hacked...# Security - 系统安全
It took me a couple of days to realize I was hacked. The first weird thing I
should have noticed but unfortunately didn't was a unknown zip file on my C:/
root. I am using windows XP professional. I immediately deleted the file, and
ran the anti-virus software on my entire hard-drive. Nothing was detected so I
relaxed. The second weird thing was when I'm working on my computer, my hard
drive seems to be unusually active, even when I'm not doing anything. I became
suspicious when I noticed that w
My 2 cents:
Go to www.windowsupdate.com to install all critical updates first.
Check this site every week or install the Microsoft Automatic Update
Check Microsoft SQL server page to download and install all updates.
Also check this page every week.

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: It took me a couple of days to realize I was hacked. The first weird thing I
: should have noticed but unfortunately didn't was a unknown zip file on my C:/
: root. I am using windows XP professional. I immediately deleted the file, and
: ran the anti-virus software on my entire hard-drive. Nothing was detected so I
: relaxed. The second weird thing was when I'm working on my computer, my hard
: drive seems to be unusually active, even when I'm not doing anything. I became
: suspicious when I noticed that w


You need patches for windows and IE. Beside software, you need basic knowledge
of security.
Unplug your internet cable till you reformat and reinstall the whole system.
Probably trojan horse on the internet, or vulnerabilities of your windows,
sql server. Anything is possible.
You are randomly choosed because you opened your door widely. ;-)

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: It took me a couple of days to realize I was hacked. The first weird thing I
: should have noticed but unfortunately didn't was a unknown zip file on my C:/
: root. I am using windows XP professional. I immediately deleted the file, and
: ran the anti-virus software on my entire hard-drive. Nothing was detected so I
: relaxed. The second weird thing was when I'm working on my computer, my hard
: drive seems to be unusually active, even when I'm not doing anything. I became
: suspicious when I noticed that w

随便down一个杀木马的程学,如iparmor,trojan remover之类的查杀一遍

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: It took me a couple of days to realize I was hacked. The first weird thing I
: should have noticed but unfortunately didn't was a unknown zip file on my C:/
: root. I am using windows XP professional. I immediately deleted the file, and
: ran the anti-virus software on my entire hard-drive. Nothing was detected so I
: relaxed. The second weird thing was when I'm working on my computer, my hard
: drive seems to be unusually active, even when I'm not doing anything. I became
: suspicious when I noticed that w

suggest reformating whole system and install all the patch
set up firewall

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: It took me a couple of days to realize I was hacked. The first weird thing I
: should have noticed but unfortunately didn't was a unknown zip file on my C:/
: root. I am using windows XP professional. I immediately deleted the file, and
: ran the anti-virus software on my entire hard-drive. Nothing was detected so I
: relaxed. The second weird thing was when I'm working on my computer, my hard
: drive seems to be unusually active, even when I'm not doing anything. I became
: suspicious when I noticed that w

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