开户银行# StartUp - 创业
在Research Talk中如果规定的时间是在30到40分钟之间,可以讲以前做过的两个
另外,在presentation中是必须要讲Literature Review这部分呢?还是可以不要呢?
公司401k在Vanguard。现在想自己开个基金帐户(in vanguard as well),必须是用同
,每个小方面的LITERATURE REVIEW就1-2个SLIDE. 关键是让别人了解你做的东西为什

【在 c*****e 的大作中提到】
: 在Research Talk中如果规定的时间是在30到40分钟之间,可以讲以前做过的两个
: projects的内容吗?还是最好着重讲一个?
: 另外,在presentation中是必须要讲Literature Review这部分呢?还是可以不要呢?
: 多谢多谢!

new account..
(1) Just open a new account with cash (after tax) in Vanguard, which could
buy mutual fund, ETF, stock, option, bond.. almost everything you want to
buy, except future..
Your company's 401K account could buy limited mutual funds which decided by
your HR, and there is contribution limit (17.5K for 2013). The benifit is
your contribution is pre-taxed money..
(2) you also could open Roth IRA and contribute $5000 per year. The capital
gain in Roth IRA is tax free. However ensure your AGI (adjusted gross income
) is meet its limits. The details could found in the following link

【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: 公司401k在Vanguard。现在想自己开个基金帐户(in vanguard as well),必须是用同
: 一个账户还是要开一个新
: 的?完全新手。。。多谢了!

如果是30-40分钟, 建议只讲一个,结尾顺带提一下其他即可 (除非是同一研究的两个论
题). 时间有限的情况下讲多了容易搞不好.
Actually it is not Vanguard but fidelity (I am too new, I didn't know the
difference. Just saw vanguard name because my 401k has vanguard money
market fund in it....) Anyway, I just added an investment account in the
same account as my 401k in Fidelity. A few more questions:
(1)I saw people recommend S&P500 index fund, where can I find it? I tried:
Research -> Mutual Funds ->, but couldn't find the index fund category?
(2)how can I buy it? For example, if I want to put 100K in SPY? And, is
it a good time to invest all the money to SPY now and in one time?
Thanks in advance.


【在 p**h 的大作中提到】
: new account..
: (1) Just open a new account with cash (after tax) in Vanguard, which could
: buy mutual fund, ETF, stock, option, bond.. almost everything you want to
: buy, except future..
: Your company's 401K account could buy limited mutual funds which decided by
: your HR, and there is contribution limit (17.5K for 2013). The benifit is
: your contribution is pre-taxed money..
: (2) you also could open Roth IRA and contribute $5000 per year. The capital
: gain in Roth IRA is tax free. However ensure your AGI (adjusted gross income
: ) is meet its limits. The details could found in the following link

Actually it is not Vanguard but fidelity (I am too new, I didn't know the
-- Vanguard and Fidelity are different brokers, both of them are good at
mutual fund investment as they issue they own mutual funds with good long
term (from 1 yr to 10+ yrs) performance (but not all of their mutual funds
are good, you have to do your own research)
Just saw vanguard name because my 401k has vanguard money
market fund in it....) Anyway, I just added an investment account in the
same account as my 401k in Fidelity. A few more questions:
(1)I saw people recommend S&P500 index fund, where can I find it? I tried:
Research -> Mutual Funds ->, but couldn't find the index fund category?
-- “Spartan 500 Index Fund - Fidelity Advantage Class (FUSVX)” is tracking
S&P500 mutual fund
(2)how can I buy it? For example, if I want to put 100K in SPY?
-- SPY is not a mutual fund, it is tracking S&P500 ETF, which is traded as
stock, you can buy/sell it at anytime during the market open (even pre-/
after market open). You also can buy or short sell it at anytime and sell/
cover it in the next second to grab the gain within one trading day without
any penalty.
Mutual fund is not so flexible. It could be traded with close price only (
the price at market close) as long as you submit your order before market
close 4:00 ET, and you have to hold it for certain time, otherwise you will
get penalty.. Meanwhile, you have no chance to catch gain or avoid loss
within one trading day..
And, is it a good time to invest all the money to SPY now and in one time?
-- If I know the answer “is it a good time to invest all the money to SPY
now”, I will be God lah... haha...
BTW, if I were you with your current financial knowledge, I might consider
the following 3 ways to invest the 100K USD:
(1) hold cash and study, then do homework to find how to investment
(2) invest low risk bond and/or income funds. You can refer to the following
link to get information and idea
(3) call Fidelity and use Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Service.. You have to
pay service fee. However, it seems like pretty reasonable. Couple of my
friends are using this service, their feedback is positive.. But I have no
experience on this service..
公司401k在Vanguard。现在想自己开个基金帐户(in vanguard as well),必须是用同
new account..
(1) Just open a new account with cash (after tax) in Vanguard, which could
buy mutual fund, ETF, stock, option, bond.. almost everything you want to
buy, except future..
Your company's 401K account could buy limited mutual funds which decided by
your HR, and there is contribution limit (17.5K for 2013). The benifit is
your contribution is pre-taxed money..
(2) you also could open Roth IRA and contribute $5000 per year. The capital
gain in Roth IRA is tax free. However ensure your AGI (adjusted gross income
) is meet its limits. The details could found in the following link

【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: 公司401k在Vanguard。现在想自己开个基金帐户(in vanguard as well),必须是用同
: 一个账户还是要开一个新
: 的?完全新手。。。多谢了!

Actually it is not Vanguard but fidelity (I am too new, I didn't know the
difference. Just saw vanguard name because my 401k has vanguard money
market fund in it....) Anyway, I just added an investment account in the
same account as my 401k in Fidelity. A few more questions:
(1)I saw people recommend S&P500 index fund, where can I find it? I tried:
Research -> Mutual Funds ->, but couldn't find the index fund category?
(2)how can I buy it? For example, if I want to put 100K in SPY? And, is
it a good time to invest all the money to SPY now and in one time?
Thanks in advance.


【在 p**h 的大作中提到】
: new account..
: (1) Just open a new account with cash (after tax) in Vanguard, which could
: buy mutual fund, ETF, stock, option, bond.. almost everything you want to
: buy, except future..
: Your company's 401K account could buy limited mutual funds which decided by
: your HR, and there is contribution limit (17.5K for 2013). The benifit is
: your contribution is pre-taxed money..
: (2) you also could open Roth IRA and contribute $5000 per year. The capital
: gain in Roth IRA is tax free. However ensure your AGI (adjusted gross income
: ) is meet its limits. The details could found in the following link

Actually it is not Vanguard but fidelity (I am too new, I didn't know the
-- Vanguard and Fidelity are different brokers, both of them are good at
mutual fund investment as they issue they own mutual funds with good long
term (from 1 yr to 10+ yrs) performance (but not all of their mutual funds
are good, you have to do your own research)
Just saw vanguard name because my 401k has vanguard money
market fund in it....) Anyway, I just added an investment account in the
same account as my 401k in Fidelity. A few more questions:
(1)I saw people recommend S&P500 index fund, where can I find it? I tried:
Research -> Mutual Funds ->, but couldn't find the index fund category?
-- “Spartan 500 Index Fund - Fidelity Advantage Class (FUSVX)” is tracking
S&P500 mutual fund
(2)how can I buy it? For example, if I want to put 100K in SPY?
-- SPY is not a mutual fund, it is tracking S&P500 ETF, which is traded as
stock, you can buy/sell it at anytime during the market open (even pre-/
after market open). You also can buy or short sell it at anytime and sell/
cover it in the next second to grab the gain within one trading day without
any penalty.
Mutual fund is not so flexible. It could be traded with close price only (
the price at market close) as long as you submit your order before market
close 4:00 ET, and you have to hold it for certain time, otherwise you will
get penalty.. Meanwhile, you have no chance to catch gain or avoid loss
within one trading day..
And, is it a good time to invest all the money to SPY now and in one time?
-- If I know the answer “is it a good time to invest all the money to SPY
now”, I will be God lah... haha...
BTW, if I were you with your current financial knowledge, I might consider
the following 3 ways to invest the 100K USD:
(1) hold cash and study, then do homework to find how to invest.
(2) invest low risk bond and/or income funds. You can refer to the following
link to get information and idea
(3) call Fidelity and use Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Service.. You have to
pay service fee. However, it seems like pretty reasonable. Couple of my
friends are using this service, their feedback is positive.. But I have no
experience on this service..
那个after tax是怎么回事?一定要59岁之后才能取钱么?如果没有这个限制,大家岂
还有,401K和traditional IRA可以同时搞么?比方说我401K放1万,然后traditional
那个after tax是怎么回事?一定要59岁之后才能取钱么?如果没有这个限制,大家岂
-- 其实 LZ 已经有401K, 他只是想自己再开一个“基金帐户”, 那他能开的账户都不
是 tax deductible 的, 所以他放进去的钱都是after tax的 (=付过income tax的)
。 如果不是ROTH IRA, 他取钱没有任何限制; 如果是ROTH IRA, 他每年只能放5000
(2012), 而且要满足下列条件才没有penalty: A distribution from a Roth IRA
is tax-free and penalty-free provided that the five-year aging requirement
has been satisfied and one of the following conditions is met: age 59 1/2,
death, disability, qualified first time home purchase.
还有,401K和traditional IRA可以同时搞么?比方说我401K放1万,然后traditional
-- 401K 的优势是不论你挣多少, 17K (2012) 的 401K contribution 都是 tax
deductible 的; 但是要是你想往traditional IRA里放钱, 又能免税, 你必须挣得
足够“少”!!! 你的AGI超过一定限度, 你的traditional IRA contribution就不
能免税了。 具体的条款你google 一把, 到处都有。。比如这里:
至于如果你的AGI满足traditional IRA contribution免税的要求, 是否可以分成401K
和 traditional IRA, 偶看不出来有何不可以, 不过你最好与broker 直接confirm.
You are so nice... Thanks!
>BTW, if I were you with your current financial knowledge, I might consider
the following 3 ways to invest the 100K USD:
(1) hold cash and study, then do homework to find how to invest.
(2) invest low risk bond and/or income funds. You can refer to the following
link to get information and idea
(3) call Fidelity and use Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Service.. You have to
pay service fee. However, it seems like pretty reasonable. Couple of my
friends are using this service, their feedback is positive.. But I have no
experience on this service..
In fact I have about 300K lying in the bank for the past few years.... I got
calls from bank many times. I guess they worried more than I did :-) I
knew I should have done something with it but I am not willing to do
anything unless I know the ins and outs of it. Well, finally I started
reading investment basics for the past few weeks. Still, I can feel I have
to start to be able to really learn...
I am not qualified for any IRA account except 401k.
Any way, I am thinking about maybe a third of the money (100K) to put in SPY
, maybe one third something else(the bond funds mentioned in the link you
gave?), and one third (or less?) to stocks (start to play and learn about
stocks regardless gain or loss...). BTW, the 300k is totally for investment
. I don't need to set aside part of it for housing or other things.
Then, about how to do it. I read about DCA strategy etc. I am wondering
since I don't know if it is a good time, I may try DCA?
What do you think about my plans?
There are so many concepts I have read in the past few weeks. I know I haven
't got maybe most of them. Learning from experienced people here is
one important step.
Thanks a lot!


【在 p**h 的大作中提到】
: Actually it is not Vanguard but fidelity (I am too new, I didn't know the
: difference.
: -- Vanguard and Fidelity are different brokers, both of them are good at
: mutual fund investment as they issue they own mutual funds with good long
: term (from 1 yr to 10+ yrs) performance (but not all of their mutual funds
: are good, you have to do your own research)
: Just saw vanguard name because my 401k has vanguard money
: market fund in it....) Anyway, I just added an investment account in the
: same account as my 401k in Fidelity. A few more questions:
: (1)I saw people recommend S&P500 index fund, where can I find it? I tried:

放进去Roth IRA的本金可以随时拿出来,没有任何税或罚款。


【在 p**h 的大作中提到】
: 那个after tax是怎么回事?一定要59岁之后才能取钱么?如果没有这个限制,大家岂
: 不是都可以把钱放进去,至少收益不用交税啊。
: -- 其实 LZ 已经有401K, 他只是想自己再开一个“基金帐户”, 那他能开的账户都不
: 是 tax deductible 的, 所以他放进去的钱都是after tax的 (=付过income tax的)
: 。 如果不是ROTH IRA, 他取钱没有任何限制; 如果是ROTH IRA, 他每年只能放5000
: (2012), 而且要满足下列条件才没有penalty: A distribution from a Roth IRA
: is tax-free and penalty-free provided that the five-year aging requirement
: has been satisfied and one of the following conditions is met: age 59 1/2,
: death, disability, qualified first time home purchase.
: 还有,401K和traditional IRA可以同时搞么?比方说我401K放1万,然后traditional

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