Suggestions to yyber
Suggestions to yyber# Stock
Here's my 2c:
If you are really interested in finance field, go to get a degree then find
a job or just find a job directly. Personally I don't think it's a wise
decision to quit the job and trade full time unless the interest income
you earn in money market fund on your current cash is more than your
annual total compensation. If you meet this criteria you can risk some of
your money on losing positions and still keep positive attitude when you
make investment decisions. Otherwise when you are
I get to say Eric said all what I wanted to say, yyber. Please re-evaluate
your decision with all the feedbacks you got.
Lastly, I would guess your decision might be still a GO, considering your
mood and situation now. That's completely fine, life is a place full of risk
and reward, and you go what you like to pursue. However, this would be my
1c suggestions, hope you can keep in mind and I will type in Chinese to make
you remember better :-)
1. 设好人生的止损。

【在 e*****7 的大作中提到】
: Here's my 2c:
: If you are really interested in finance field, go to get a degree then find
: a job or just find a job directly. Personally I don't think it's a wise
: decision to quit the job and trade full time unless the interest income
: you earn in money market fund on your current cash is more than your
: annual total compensation. If you meet this criteria you can risk some of
: your money on losing positions and still keep positive attitude when you
: make investment decisions. Otherwise when you are
