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Wow, can't find stock board in the main page# Stock
I Hate Being Asian
I grew up as the token asian kid in a white town. I was never accepted as
one of them because of my race. I wanted to escape the racial abuse and my
parents were no help (they were abusive in their own right) so I did
everything I can to distance myself from my race. Though they never accepted
me they tolerated me more and more as I rejected my "asian-ness".
Now I'm in college and I see a lot of Asian americans on campus and they
seem so foreign to me. I don't fit in with them because we have nothing in
common. I don't speak the language, I don't know the culture...I feel
estranged from American culture and my "home" culture. I feel like a man
without a home.
To add to that, I'm an Asian guy and apparently we're the least desirable in
America. I just thought I was alone in my home town because I was a loser..
..what a surprise it was to learn that all Asian males are stereotyped as
sexless losers. Now that I've learned about that stereotype, I can't help
but notice all the Asian girls around campus walking hand in hand almost
exclusively with White guys. Fuck. I thought it was going to get better now
but it seems like I'm still a man without a culture, no peers to call my own
and now no fucking dating prospects. It's like White guys have fucked with
me all of my life and now Asian women are joining in on the fun. I hate
feeling this way but every Asian female White male couple I see is more
proof to me of who inadequate Asian guys are.
You know what though? I'd probably be okay with it but every fucking white
guy talks about how easy it is to bang asian chicks with that self satisfied
smirk then in the next breath says its because we're tiny dick losers. They
speak as if they're doing asian girls a favor by rescuing them from the
shame of having to date an Asian. I would be okay with it if they weren't so
fucking smug and racist about it and if Asian girls weren't so shameless
about it, joining in on dissing all asian guys. Every self satisfied white
guy...every self satisfied asian girl who thinks she's so superior because
she moved up on the dating totem pole...I am just so fed up with them both.
I'm just so filled with self hatred and bitterness against everybody and I'm
sick of it. Can't ever get laid, can't get taken seriously, emasculated and
marginalized, never considered a "real american", never considered a "real
asian"....what the fuck is the point of this shitshow of a life?
It's sad to see how much we have declined.


【在 S**b 的大作中提到】
: 一美国人论坛上看到的
: I Hate Being Asian
: I grew up as the token asian kid in a white town. I was never accepted as
: one of them because of my race. I wanted to escape the racial abuse and my
: parents were no help (they were abusive in their own right) so I did
: everything I can to distance myself from my race. Though they never accepted
: me they tolerated me more and more as I rejected my "asian-ness".
: Now I'm in college and I see a lot of Asian americans on campus and they
: seem so foreign to me. I don't fit in with them because we have nothing in
: common. I don't speak the language, I don't know the culture...I feel

方文化吸取自己认为好的东西, dont give shit about how other people think of
you. best line:
”girls can smell your lack of self-esteem from miles away. Your thoughts
leak into behavior and people can read that shit.” 我操,这不是索南的写照吗。

【在 u*****a 的大作中提到】
: 看看别人是怎么答的:
: 话说回来,这个作者说自己是 Asian guy,没说自己是 ABC 啊!

让别人"要有自信" 又是美国人傻逼言论之一。
asian man不是geek就是weirdo要么creep要么小丑, 整个社会除了黑女没人find 亚男
attractive, 他自信从哪儿得到,成就感从哪儿来? 靠自己每天不断告诉自己,我很自
信,我很牛B? 这不是掩耳盗铃吧?
别抱怨, 要自信,是你自己心态有问题。我操这什么流氓逻辑!


【在 u**o 的大作中提到】
: 回答都很好啊。不少建议对我们这些第一代索男也适应。简单总结就是要自信,从中西
: 方文化吸取自己认为好的东西, dont give shit about how other people think of
: you. best line:
: ”girls can smell your lack of self-esteem from miles away. Your thoughts
: leak into behavior and people can read that shit.” 我操,这不是索南的写照吗。
