俩月之前签的offer,再过俩月才能入职。当时offer letter 给的1000股RSU差不多价 值10万。可是最近该公司股票大跌,股票只值5万了,心里很不爽。我能否通过什么方 式要求补偿?比如要求RSU增加到2000股?
2 楼
Following the "we'll help you / we won't / we may / we may not" theme, EU approaches Greece w/ a loan offer at a rate of 4-5% which is higher than what Greece can get from IMF. This is after Greece complains that EU lacks of commitment and threatens to go to IMF. W/ this latest offer, technically EU is committed to help Greece. But you can tell Greece will not be amused by that rate. You can only imagine what it will be like in the not too distant future when China has to play the role of EU and