ZZ: London Gold Pool(1961-68) Collapse# Stock
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On Friday March 8th 1968, London sold 100 ton of gold at market, up from
around 5 ton on a normal day. The following Sunday evening, the pool
released the statement "the London Gold Pool re-affirm their determination
to support the pool at a fixed price of $35 per oz".
Fed chairman William McChesney-Martin announced the US would defend the $35
per oz gold price "down to the last ingot". That week the London Gold Pool
continued to fight the free market process and defend $35.20 gold. By
midweek i
around 5 ton on a normal day. The following Sunday evening, the pool
released the statement "the London Gold Pool re-affirm their determination
to support the pool at a fixed price of $35 per oz".
Fed chairman William McChesney-Martin announced the US would defend the $35
per oz gold price "down to the last ingot". That week the London Gold Pool
continued to fight the free market process and defend $35.20 gold. By
midweek i