housing market seems crashing again.# Stock
1 楼
律师写的,“The importance of this work can be substantiated by the fact
that this research was funded by the National Science Foundation." 貌似天经
地义啊。不知道他为啥这么写。虽然理论上被NSF fund的工作当然是“重要的”工作,
但这样的工作多了去了,在eb1a的reference letter里这么说有意义吗?还是说因为我
们见怪不怪所以忽略NSF fund本身的说明力?
that this research was funded by the National Science Foundation." 貌似天经
地义啊。不知道他为啥这么写。虽然理论上被NSF fund的工作当然是“重要的”工作,
但这样的工作多了去了,在eb1a的reference letter里这么说有意义吗?还是说因为我
们见怪不怪所以忽略NSF fund本身的说明力?