NND,除了早上,今天不管大盘涨还是跌,FAS/FAZ基本不懂啊,气死我了。# Stock
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Credit Karma怎么搞的,没法查了。Erorr 如下。 大家有类似的情况吗?谢谢!
Credit Error
Sorry, but we are unable to retrieve a credit score for your account at this
time. An error occurred while we were retrieving your score.
It could be that our connection to the credit bureau is down for maintenance
, or that there was a problem retrieving your specific record, such as an
alert or hold on your credit file that prevents us from processing it.
Please contact Credit Karma Support, and we can look further into the
specific reason for why your credit request did not succeed.
Credit Error
Sorry, but we are unable to retrieve a credit score for your account at this
time. An error occurred while we were retrieving your score.
It could be that our connection to the credit bureau is down for maintenance
, or that there was a problem retrieving your specific record, such as an
alert or hold on your credit file that prevents us from processing it.
Please contact Credit Karma Support, and we can look further into the
specific reason for why your credit request did not succeed.