3 楼
$1 trillion of excess bank reserves on deposit at the Fed
4 楼
LZ need some medicine?
7 楼
Meanwhile, buying more bonds to create new cash for the economy is futile.
There’s already $1 trillion of excess bank reserves on deposit at the Fed.
In other words, the financial system has more dollars than it knows what to
do with.
The economic recovery and job creation are being held back by tax and
regulatory obstacles, not by a shortage of money. It’s fiscal policy that
is wrongheaded. But then again, without a strong-dollar policy, no one can
really give the Fed any kudous either.
There’s already $1 trillion of excess bank reserves on deposit at the Fed.
In other words, the financial system has more dollars than it knows what to
do with.
The economic recovery and job creation are being held back by tax and
regulatory obstacles, not by a shortage of money. It’s fiscal policy that
is wrongheaded. But then again, without a strong-dollar policy, no one can
really give the Fed any kudous either.
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