market is in a solid uptrend ... don't top call ...
market is in a solid uptrend ... don't top call ...# Stock
Top gainers as of 14Oct2010
TNA 43% (first buy close of 01Sep2010, 1st add 05Oct2010)
DGP 22% (first buy 25Aug2010)
CMG 16% (first buy intra-day of 01Sep2010; 1/3 sold 06Oct2010 11%)
NFLX 16% (first buy intra-day of 01Sep2010, 1/2 profit taken 01Oct2010 @ 18%
, 1/4 profit taken 06Oct2010 @ 13%)
EBIX 16% (first buy market open 21Sep2010; 1/2 profit taken 06Oct2010 10%)
BIDU 13% (first buy market open 20Sep2010; 1/2 profit taken 01Oct2010 @ 10%;
1st add 05Oct2010; 1/4 profit taken 06Oct2010 @ 11%)
HLF 12% (first buy 09Sep2010)
ARUN 12% (first buy 30Aug2010, 1st add 1Sep2010; 1/3 profit taken 01Oct2010
@ 15%; 2nd add 05Oct2010; 1/2 profit taken 06Oct2010 @ 11%)
GLD 11% (first buy 25Aug2010)
AGU 5% (first buy market open 11Oct2010 )
NSU 6% (first buy market open 09Oct2010)
sold with profit
NFLX 18%, 13%
ARUN 15%, 11%
BIDU 10%, 11%
EBIX 10%,
REE 9% (first buy pre-market 24Sep2010 --> small position, no biggie; final
sale before close 29Sep2010)
ACOM 8% (first buy market open 20Sep2010; sell all 06Oct2010)
TGA 4% (first buy market open 21Sep2010 --> small position, no biggie; final
sale before close 29Sep2010)
YGE 2%
CRM 1% (first buy intra-day of 01Sep2010, final sale on 28Sep2010; )
cut loss
BORN -14% (no biggie, small position)
GMCR -9% (first buy market open 09Sep2010, sold some 22Sep2010, final sale
market open 29Sep2010)
CRUS -8% (first buy intra-day 29Sep2010, add before market close, sold all
MELI -8%
VPHM -5%
NANO -5%
TZOO -4% (first buy 29Sep2010; sold all 06Oct2010)
EGO -1% (keep only gld/dgp)
Got a new boy on 10/10/2010 ... so my post will be sporadic. Luck is upon me
again? lol
top calling is never a smart move ...
always let the market tell you what it wants to do next ... NOT what you
think market will do ...
Market is in a solid uptrend ...