2 楼
below 1336 will pickup trend.
3 楼
not sure it would be today for SPY to close below 134
but it seems like it is possible for SPY to retest the 132 support some days
later this month
but it seems like it is possible for SPY to retest the 132 support some days
later this month
-----------------BUY BUY BUY-------not-2-late不想在 arna 上积压资金了股神们,Tvix还HOld着吗?入场list盘前没趁高走 nok 真是亏有机以来最倒霉的劫机犯:六个劫机的遇到二十个警察 (转载)股版没落了,大湿很痛心大盘好大一个缺口啊今天为什么暴涨的真正原因如何在scottrade把cash account 里的钱转到 margin account?我觉得今天很多人的心态都没摆正!今天竟然没涨1万刀是不是要一路冲1450了.小龙霸吗?欧债解决了么?arna 来个龙霸吧 我要撤了大家给个PICK吧。给朋友们指条明路吧-一个大牛板块最大的优点是无量上涨360和小米的斗争已经白热化了 (转载)