人民币五年内实现可自由兑换? (转载)
人民币五年内实现可自由兑换? (转载)# Stock
China’s yuan may become a fully convertible currency in five years, said Li
Daokui, an adviser to the People’s Bank of China.
As the flexibility of the yuan increases in the coming five years, China
will have more market-determined interest rates and will further open up its
capital account, Li said at a forum in Washington.
If reforms go on smoothly, “the renminbi will be fully convertible in five
years,” he said, referring to the Chinese currency.
China has accelerated the use of the yuan in international trade and
investment to curb its reliance on the dollar. A fully convertible currency
- so the yuan can be exchanged with other currencies without restrictions -
is one of the criteria the U.S. and Europe are demanding from China as a
condition for allowing it to be part of the International Monetary Fund’s
currency basket.
Fifty-seven percent of 1,263 global investors, including 58 percent of Asian
respondents, said it’s likely the yuan will be convertible in five years,
according to a Bloomberg survey published in May. Nineteen percent of
respondents said it will become a global reserve currency in that time, with
an additional 31 percent predicting that step within a decade.
China “has no defined timetable for the yuan to be fully convertible,”
Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said earlier this month in London. “It
will be a gradual process,” Zhou said.