一叶知秋, 妞妞小心
一叶知秋, 妞妞小心# Stock
虽然欧洲债务问题会逐步明朗化, 但感觉这周的季报确有隐忧, 妞妞小心.
IBM 2011Q3 (2011-10-17)
Revenue: $26.2 billion, up 8 percent, up 3 percent adjusting for currency;
Growth markets revenue up 19 percent, 13 percent adjusting for currency;
Geographic Regions
The Americas’ third-quarter revenues were $10.9 billion, an increase of 7
percent (6 percent, adjusting for currency) from the 2010 period. Revenues
from Europe/Middle East/Africa were $8.0 billion, up 9 percent (flat,
adjusting for currency). Asia-Pacific revenues increased 10 percent (1
percent, adjusting for currency) to $6.5 billion. OEM revenues were $743
million, down 8 percent (8 percent, adjusting for currency) compared with
the 2010 third quarter.
Growth Markets
Revenues from the company’s growth markets increased 19 percent (13 percent
, adjusting for currency). Revenues in the BRIC countries — Brazil, Russia
, India and China — increased 17 percent (13 percent, adjusting for
currency). Growth markets revenue represents 23 percent of IBM’s total
geographic revenue for the third quarter.
IBM 2010Q3 (2010-10-18)
• Revenue of $24.3 billion, up 3 percent as reported, 4 percent
adjusting for currency;
• Growth markets revenue up 16 percent, 13 percent adjusting for
• BRIC countries revenue up 29 percent, 26 percent adjusting for
Geographic Regions
From a geographic perspective, the Americas’ third-quarter revenues were $
10.2 billion, an increase of 3 percent (2 percent, adjusting for currency)
from the 2009 period. Revenues from Europe/Middle East/Africa were $7.4
billion, down 6 percent (up 1 percent, adjusting for currency). Asia-
Pacific revenues increased 14 percent (7 percent, adjusting for currency) to
$5.9 billion. OEM revenues were $806 million, up 27 percent compared with
the 2009 third quarter.
Growth Markets
Revenues from the company’s growth markets organization increased 16
percent (13 percent, adjusting for currency) and represented 21 percent of
IBM’s total geographic revenue in the quarter. Revenues in the BRIC
countries — Brazil, Russia, India and China — increased 29 percent (26
percent, adjusting for currency), and 28 other growth market countries also
had double-digit revenue growth, adjusting for currency. Growth markets
revenues for both servers and storage increased by more than 20 percent in
the quarter. IBM now has 103 sales offices in the growth markets countries
after opening 40 offices in 2010.