4 楼
It's so under controlled, hehe,
This morning, way before the market is opened,
wsj has an article saying that it want it's
first day debut go up more than 15%, but should less
than 40%. So not surprisingly, $20 (1+40%) = .......$28
Underwriters have been aiming for a modest first-day price gain—somewhere north of 15% but below 40%— but wanted to avoid the price doubling, which happened with LinkedIn Corp.'s IPO in May, according people familiar with the matter. At the same time, bankers wanted to make sure that there was a significant first-day pop in the stock price so that the Groupon IPO would be remembered as a success, said one person.
Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203716204577016001857985424.html#ixzz1clQa8Uyn
This morning, way before the market is opened,
wsj has an article saying that it want it's
first day debut go up more than 15%, but should less
than 40%. So not surprisingly, $20 (1+40%) = .......$28
Underwriters have been aiming for a modest first-day price gain—somewhere north of 15% but below 40%— but wanted to avoid the price doubling, which happened with LinkedIn Corp.'s IPO in May, according people familiar with the matter. At the same time, bankers wanted to make sure that there was a significant first-day pop in the stock price so that the Groupon IPO would be remembered as a success, said one person.
Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203716204577016001857985424.html#ixzz1clQa8Uyn
JEFF 身价超过大门成为世界第一靠,未来暴涨现在的美股就四个字twtr的问题在哪里?大麻,请开大吧我鳖真怒了,一个月打了15炮 (转载)amd可以进去做个短线了你越去想 他越不做大家做day trade的有没有一种走火入魔的感觉?自动驾驶普及以后,是不是就可以醉驾了?snap 的问题是,ceo没娶名校大学生看看麦当劳的冰激凌是怎么做出来的(zhuan)配有AI的自动驾驶汽车你买得起吗?amzn 什么时候季报??? 明天盘前还是盘后?老马陷于两难境地,郭台铭在白宫说明鸿海富士康对美投资计划 (转载)开门大还好吧?鸿海郭台铭美国制造「飞鹰计画」霸气起飞!! (转载)UVXY的30分钟线好到爆fb泄了