泥邦看似已经在准备放弃本岛集体外迁了 (转载)
泥邦看似已经在准备放弃本岛集体外迁了 (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds2 (// 参考消息 //), 信区: Military
标 题: 泥邦看似已经在准备放弃本岛集体外迁了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 15 05:05:49 2012, 美东)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Japan's Government-Industrial Complex to Create Small "Japan" in Southern
The news was there on Yomiuri Shinbun on January 5, 2012, but little noticed
until someone picked it up and spread on Twitter overnight.
The Japanese government in close collaboration with the big businesses in
Japan is to build a city in southern India that will house 50,000 people,
with "Japanese-quality" infrastructure including seaside resort, industrial
park, hospital, shopping mall, and golf course (of course).
Many on Twitter are speculating that this is part of the plan by the Japan's
political and business elites to abandon ship (Japan), and part of the
reason for the Noda administration's insistence on the tax hike despite the
incipient recession.
While there is a great need for money within Japan to actually rebuild
tsunami-devastated areas (not the bogus "decon" projects), the Noda
administration has been busy distributing money in Asia. The Bank of Japan
has opened multi-billion dollar currency swap lines with India ($15 billion)
and South Korea ($70 billion).
From Yomiuri Shinbun (1/5/2012):
The Japanese government, as part of the "infrastructure" export in close
cooperation with the private industry, will develop a large-scale township
in the suburb of Chennai in southern India.
The plan is to "export" the entire town with an industrial park for mid/
small size businesses, shopping centers that are tailored to Japanese taste
and hospitals. The town is to accommodate 50,000 people.
This will be first case of urban development as part of the
infrastructure export, which is the new growth strategy of the Japanese
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Edano will visit Chennai on
January 10, and ask for the support from the Chennai government.
Mizuho Corporate Bank and JGC Corporation will invest 4 billion yen [US$
52 million] in the development corporation in Chennai. The industrial park
will be 2.3 square kilometer, and the sale will start this summer. The
plants that will be housed in the park will start operation in 2013.
The accompanying residential area will be 2 square kilometers. The "
resort city" with the expensive condominiums facing the Indian Ocean will be
developed starting 2013. Japanese shopping center, golf course, and
hospitals with permanently-stationed Japanese doctors will also be built.
The plan is to create a high-quality city where Japanese expatriates can
live with their families.
The Yomiuri Shinbun makes it sound like it is yet to start. But the talk has
been ongoing at least since last summer. Here's the announcement on August
6, 2011 of an Indian tour for people interested in building a community in
India where Japanese people live and work in certain large enough numbers.
But the description of this "Japan town" in India - industrial park, resort
city with pricey condominiums by the sea, golf course - sounds very familiar
to me. Hmmm this is like Singapore.
Well, it turns out that the developer for the whole project is a Singaporean
real estate developer Ascendas with large portfolios in China, India,
Malaysia, Vietman, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. The countries
that this company have businesses with happen to coincide with the countries
that the Japanese ministers have frequented since last year.
The Times of India reports on January 11, 2012 the Tamil Nadu government has
signed a memorandum of understanding with a Japanese investor group and
Ascendas to build a "Japan Town" in Chennai, India:
1,500-acre Japanese township to come up soon on OMR
CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu government has signed a memorandum of understanding
with a Japanese consortium and real estate developer Ascendas to build a 1,
500-acre integrated township with residential and industrial facilities for
Japanese investors. It will come up 50km south of Chennai along Old
Mahabalipuram Road.
Chief minister J Jayalalithaa signed the MoU on Tuesday with the
Ascendas Development Trust ( AIDT), which has built an IT park in Taramani,
and a consortium comprising corporate finance provider Mizuho Corporate Bank
and JGC Corporation, a programme management contractor and investment
Ascendas Group president Chong Siak Ching said, "We are happy to have
the support of the government of Tamil Nadu and to work with Japan's leading
companies Mizuho and JGC." The government has promised collaboration with
local government agencies for the project's implementation. The township is
expected to have lifestyle amenities for up to 40,000 people," Ascendas
officials said. "The infrastructure will be eco-friendly."
I don't know what "eco-friendly" means but I assume it is about low carbon
emission. After all, having spewed radioactive materials all over the
northern hemisphere the Japanese government and many Japanese are worried
about CO2 and anthropogenic "global warming".
I'm not sure how Indians would feel about 50,000 Japanese living in a
totally separate community with high-rise condos and golf course, speaking
only Japanese.
As to engaging a Singaporean real estate developer, there is a persistent
rumor that ex-Chief Cabinet Minister and current Minister of Economy Yukio
Edano evacuated his family to Singapore soon after the accident.
Dr. Haruki Madarame of Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission really spoke the
truth when he said "It's all about money". It is all about money, whether "
it" is a nuclear power plant, a nuclear waste facility, or a Japanese-only
city in southern India.


【在 w**********2 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: whiteclouds2 (// 参考消息 //), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 泥邦看似已经在准备放弃本岛集体外迁了
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 15 05:05:49 2012, 美东)
: Saturday, January 14, 2012
: Japan's Government-Industrial Complex to Create Small "Japan" in Southern
: India
: The news was there on Yomiuri Shinbun on January 5, 2012, but little noticed
: until someone picked it up and spread on Twitter overnight.
: The Japanese government in close collaboration with the big businesses in
