wow, apple (转载)
wow, apple (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: reload07 (reload), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: wow, apple
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 25 12:35:50 2012, 美东)
Apple’s fiscal 2012 first quarter earnings report was a jaw dropper
1. Apple’s iPhone business alone generates more revenue than all Microsoft
2. Apple’s profit of $13.1 billion was equal to their revenue in Q4 2010.
3. Apple sold 5.2 million Macs, generating $6.6 billion — or more revenue
than any single Microsoft division. Closest: Office at $6.28 billion
4. Apple passes Exxon as world’s most valuable company
5. More iPhones sold than babies born in the world every day
It was only October of 2010 when Apple passed Microsoft in terms of revenue.
At the time, Apple posted $20.34 billion — they’re well beyond double
that now. Microsoft’s most recent quarter saw record revenue of $20.9
billion. Again, Apple came in at $46.33 billion.
Meanwhile, it was only April of last year that Apple surpassed Microsoft’s
in profit. This past quarter, Microsoft’s net income was $6.62 billion.
Apple’s was $13.06 billion.
The iTunes Store alone generated 50 percent more revenue than all of Yahoo
did last quarter, as Jordan Golson notes.
Likewise, the amount Apple paid to third-party developers via the App Store
last quarter ($700 million) is more than double Yahoo’s overall profits.