HGSI, GNOM or ROSG (转载)# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 MoneyFriends 俱乐部 】
发信人: opiumsnow (谦虚使人进步), 信区: MoneyFriends
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 26 15:19:24 2012, 美东)
If it feels like there's a little more activity and interest in Human Genome
Sciences (NASDAQ:HGSI), Rosetta Genomics Ltd. (NASDAQ:ROSG), and Complete
Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:GNOM), you're not crazy - there is. The fact that
GNOM, HGSI, and ROSG are all up big-time today is proof enough of that
sudden interest, but even on a more subjective level there's clearly
something going on with these three names. The common element, however,
extends well beyond just these three companies.
The strength largely stems from Roche's decision to acquire Illumina, Inc. (
NASDAQ:ILMN) for $5.7 billion as a way to get into the genetic research
arena. Though ILMN is more of a technology and support provider and less of
an R&D drug manufacturer, the development platforms for genotyping drugs are
proving to be as valuable as new drugs themselves.
Great, but what's that got to do with Human Genome Sciences, Rosetta
Genomics Ltd., and Complete Genomics? Nothing directly, but everything
Remember the acquisition of Inhibitex (NASDAQ:INHX) by Bristol-Myers Squibb
(NYSE:BMY) a couple of weeks ago? The goal of the buyout was to give Bristol
-Myers a foothold in the hepatitis C race. The move followed the November
acquisition of Pharmasset (NASDAQ:VRUS) by Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ:GILD) to
also garner a promising drug for the coming hepatitis C battle. Seeing not
one but two acquisitions made for the exact same reason, any other small
company working on a hepatitis C treatment was bid up on hopes that other
big pharma companies would also pay big bucks for any Hep-C drug maker that
hadn't been bought yet.
Now that same herd - with fresh visions of seeing it play out for one
specific ailment - is expecting the same buying frenzy within the humane
genome, genome mapping, and DNA-based drug development arena. Illumina is
officially off the table, but Complete Genomics, Human Genome Sciences, and
Rosetta Genomics Ltd. are the next odds-on favorites for a similar buyout.
And truth be told, it's not bad logic. Though the premise of gene-level
therapies is more ubiquitous than something like a treatment for hepatitis C
, all three names have something specific and valuable to offer to a would-
be suitor.
Take Complete Genomics for example. Its service (to healthcare providers and
drug developers) combines its proprietary sequencing technology - with
accuracy levels of 99.999% - with advanced information and data management
software. The total cost of the service is much less than purchasing and
operating similar DNA sequencing instruments.
Rosetta Genomics Ltd. has developed a set of proprietary technologies that
enable it to identify potential microRNA sequences in a genome, extract them
from a wide range of sample types, and accurately measure their expression
level. These technologies paired with its leading intellectual property
create the foundation for the company's diagnostic development engine. The
end result is that Rosetta Genomics can pursue multiple diagnostic leads for
a variety of ailments.
As for Human Genome Sciences, it's probably the least valuable on the
technology/platform front, but it has a real pipeline of nine drugs, one of
which is already on the market, and three more of which are in Phase III
trials. Still, its albumin-fusion technology is unique, and responsible for
some of the drugs in the pipeline.
The million dollar question is, which - if any - of these companies is an
acquisition target now that Roche's got the buyout ball rolling with the
purchase of Illumina, Inc.
Though there's never a clear answer when it comes to M&A speculation, of the
three, Rosetta Genomics is apt to be most attractive to a suitor. It's got
a technology that provides a clear path to specific drug development. That's
not to say that Human Genome Sciences or Complete Genomics, Inc. are sub-
par companies. But, HGSI doesn't have a game-changing technology a buyer
could take and revolutionize genome-based medicine with. GNOM has an amazing
technology [possibly the most impressive of the three], but the business
model is that of a service provider, and there's still a bit of a missing
link between the information it can offer and what someone can actually do
with it once in hand.
In the meantime though, at least all three are decent speculative trade
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