2 楼
The U.S. government may ask investors to pay for the privilege and safety of
holding short-term debt issued by the Treasury Department.
U.S. Department of Treasury headquarters in Washington, D.C.
In response to clamor from investors, the Treasury said on Wednesday it was
looking closely at allowing negative-yield auctions. This would mean bidders
who want the security of U.S. government debt in the face of global
insecurity might have to pay a premium for it.
Doing so would allow the U.S. government to benefit from something that is
already occurring on the secondary market, where investors have accepted
negative yields in recent months to protect their cash from financial
The U.S. government may ask investors to pay for the privilege and safety of
holding short-term debt issued by the Treasury Department.
U.S. Department of Treasury headquarters in Washington, D.C.
In response to clamor from investors, the Treasury said on Wednesday it was
looking closely at allowing negative-yield auctions. This would mean bidders
who want the security of U.S. government debt in the face of global
insecurity might have to pay a premium for it.
Doing so would allow the U.S. government to benefit from something that is
already occurring on the secondary market, where investors have accepted
negative yields in recent months to protect their cash from financial
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