I am just being curious, You're sure they sent the email to you to let your
know ahead of time? Just make sure they are not include you on the email
list by mistake.
Some of the US companies like to give the surprise party to their coworkers,
so they sent emails to all other coworkers but the soon to be parent cowroker. My experince is that, by the time of the baby shower, i were so surprise. And one coworker
told me, he got nervious one day, when i went to his desk to talk about work
, since his computer was on the my baby shower email, however, i told him i
never look at other's email displayed on their computer monitor.
Anyway, enjoy your presents, and you can open it at the end of the baby
shower. And remember to give a thank you card or note after the party, it is
good the card signed by you and your spouse.