2 楼
then no big pullback (5%), just sector rotation?
3 楼
I believe there will be pullback.But I believe financials are in better
shape to wade through the pullback.Tech is far due of a pullback led by
aaple. But it could be fluctrating in the next a few days, so I won't put
all my chips in short yet.
【在 b******r 的大作中提到】
: then no big pullback (5%), just sector rotation?
shape to wade through the pullback.Tech is far due of a pullback led by
aaple. But it could be fluctrating in the next a few days, so I won't put
all my chips in short yet.
【在 b******r 的大作中提到】
: then no big pullback (5%), just sector rotation?
4 楼
中外的杀人者却居然昂起头来,不知道个个脸上有着血污 (转载)小平的tablet,大家要买吗?FED speeches starting tomorrow, till thursdaycut cut cut ,STILL A GOOD CHANCE!大家认为米元未来走势如何 (转载)回国的一些感受,北京和老家县级城市 (转载)巴老贼的九只重仓股[通知] Stock 主题为<<对赌博彩JUN04周一大盘SPX涨跌>>的博彩已开奖自己看,不要问我想说什么上周可能是有屎以来数据最悲惨的一周如果你是该男生,你会怎么做?亏钱不要太难过。看看我的Loss上空军了。。CNN:中越南海发生冲突!!!(看造谣帖/电视台)全球性衰退? Euro crisis, US/China/India slowdown借问 在哪买ipda3便宜?我要感谢上帝怎么办?女友不嫁给我!(转帖)靠,我咋没想到这个点子?这种行情叫做捣浆糊