看来现在只有一样东西可以搞垮股市# Stock
【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
发信人: pking (pking), 信区: PDA
标 题: 用R+的同学们,R+ 12月1日全面停止所有非mad plans
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 21 23:34:52 2016, 美东)
PSA: Ring Plus to Discontinue all non Mad Plans 12/1/16.
Dear Members,
My apologies for not addressing you earlier. I know many of you expected me
to comment sooner.
While my team and I have finished long negotiations with different parties,
other negotiations are still ongoing. Those negotiations are protected under
nondisclosure agreements and, therefore, cannot be shared with our Members.
We apologize for this circumstance as it seems to go against our mission as
an open and free-spirited telecom community. Please rest assured that my
team and I always try to negotiate in the best interests of all our Members.
Lets start with the facts:
1) RingPlus is switching technology. We must do so because of technological
reasons of which we have been made aware.
2) RingPlus is developing new technologies (including a Smart and VoIP
Dialer applications) to replace the decommissioned technologies. The new
technologies will be available soon. However, they are not yet ready.
3) As a result of the technology switch, we are now sure that we will have
to move everyone to a "Mad" plan because we cannot run both technologies at
the same time (we had expected to be able to run both up until now).
4) In addition, RingPlus has missed its projected Member growth over the
past two quarters, leaving us with less than 120,000 Members. A minimum of
500,000 Members is necessary to gain the advertisement revenue predicted to
reach the break-even level.
The actions we are required to take now:
1) We are in the final stages of our negotiation with other MVNOs (sorry,
names are confidential) which will introduce our in-call radio and ad
platform to their subscribers. This combined volume of audience will bring
us well over the 500,000 Member mark (closer to over a million Members),
which will allow the advertisement system to generate enough money to
sustain Free Plans on which you currently (or have) been activated.
2) We must change technology. The technological change will not only reduce
the in-call latency that many Members experience, but will also offer a
platform agnostic version of our in-call apps, radio station, and
advertisement platform. The platform and carrier agnostic (CDMA-VoIP-SIM)
versions of our in-call applications & RingBack Tone Radio Stations are a
pre-requisite to bring other MVNOs and VoIP carriers on board as well as to
overcome the unforeseen technological problem.
3) We now offer the lowest-cost, self-sustainable paid cell plans in the
industry which give all of our current Members a safe choice, and attracts
new Members.
4) Due to the fact that we have not been able to increase the audience to
the required threshold of 500,000 Members or above, we had to agree to
adjust the free plan allotment closer to our competitors. RingPlus is still
leading in its allotments of free service.
5) With the launch of the application and its availability on other MVNO's
and carriers, we will not only return to, but supersede, the prior level of
free plan allotments as the combined subscriber level is now large enough.
6) I understand your disappointment as every one hoped for better allotments
and that plans will stay forever and only change for the better. Multiple
unforeseeable market conditions outside of our control and other
circumstances caused from third parties required us to reallocate funds,
including funds from marketing efforts, multiple times, ending in the sad
result that we did not achieve our goal. Based on our negotiations with all
involved parties and future partners, we came to the conclusion that this
outlined course will be the only solution for our Members which will allow
the continued offering of free plans without any interruptions during the
system switch.
7) In the meantime, RingPlus is asking all Members on affected plans to
change to our alternate technology currently available. This technology is
in operation, and routes all wireless phone services directly over the
Sprint Nationwide Network. However, this technology does not offer RingPlus
the possibility to provide the discounted plans with high allotments
supported by playing interactive sponsored content to you (e.g.,
advertisements and music) which RingPlus was previously able to offer you.
8) Sadly, it was communicated to us today that it is not possible to further
sustain the high allotment plans until the combined audience threshold of
500,000 is reached. Starting December 1, 2016, all Plans that are not Mad
Plans will not renew at the end of their billing cycle. Members can change
to any of the currently offered plans from our website. For Members whose
plans were not renewed, we will offer the possibility of a 7-day Holding
Plan. All Members whose plans are set to renew on or after December 1, 2016,
will automatically be switched to the 7-day Holding Plan at the end of
their billing cycle. The end result will be that all non-Mad Plans will be
discontinued by January 1, 2017, which will give our IT department the
possibility to switch to the new system, and to start the combined offering
with our future partners as soon as possible. This quick action is required
based on negotiations with 3rd parties. Once the new technology is launched,
RingPlus will once again be able to offer discounted plans with high
allotments supported by playing interactive sponsored content to you (e.g.,
advertisements and music).
Additional information:
1) The free temporary holding plan will have limited allotments of 200
minutes, 200 texts, 200 MMS, and 200 MB LTE (full speed). Please note that
overages will not be possible on the free temporary holding plan (e.g., if
you use all of your allotment of data, it will just stop) so that there will
not be any surprise overages.
2) For those Members with feature phones, we are in negotiations for a
solution. Until a solution is found, they are welcome to use the CDMA
portion of the voice minutes without the requirement of downloading an
application or dialer.
3) Of course, when a plan is changed, the top up balance will remain intact.
For details on each plan, please see the plan's details on RingPlus Social.
4) You will still have access to your current voicemail system while you are
on the free temporary holding plan. Please note that the currently
available plans (other than the free temporary holding plan) will have a new
voicemail system.
5) In call applications will not be available on our currently offered plans
until our new technology (including a Smart and VoIP Dialer applications)
will be offered. If you chose to switch to one of our lowest priced paid
plans in the U.S. currently offered on our website, you will be able to
download the dialers when they become available (to be able to get the new
series of plans supported by the new technology to provide the discounted
plans with high allotments supported by playing interactive sponsored
content to you (e.g., advertisements and music)).
6) Phone Swaps will be free starting Wensday until further notice
We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience,
understanding and support.
RingPlus will continue to offer new promotions throughout this technology
transition, and we will update you about the development of our new
We look forward to the great future free and paid plan offerings (as well as
the added functionalities) that will be possible with our new technologies,
and we hope you do, too.
Best Regards,
Karl Seelig
RingPlus, CEO
If you purchase som
那就是 -
no, it's anguish..

【在 s*********d 的大作中提到】
: 那就是 -
: earnings
