2 楼
lol, you curse me?
I am busy advancing science for the humankind.
I am busy advancing science for the humankind.
3 楼
no no no, as a comrade in the same foxhole before, I worried about you.
now relieved
now relieved
别急着割肉这样的结果说明了什么fidelity 和 merrill edge 哪个好用老李已经走了Re: 斗烙印?还是放弃吧......负能量--胆细者勿进 (转载)石油会很快去70, 下个月说好的开放俱乐部呢?Re: 最新数据:两亿贫困人口 (转载)老李安详走了炒股炒到得了埃博拉拿roth ira当零用可能吗?DOW will be at least 12% higher by end of 2015!!!周一暴涨300点?这周大家都赚了吧,大盘从蜡烛图来说还是反转迹象吧Re: 17岁华裔优等生上大学遭歧视 投毒自杀父子双亡ZT (转载)这波爽啦 抢mm钱Michigan to Join States That Ban Tesla Sales?Yahoo下周ER, 持股不?more violent downside ahead