2 楼
I don't think so. All these stocks have obvious big down side risks, whether
it's commodity inflation or patent expiration. They are not as defensive as
KO, WMT, WFC. I think investors are more likely to be just chasing higher
it's commodity inflation or patent expiration. They are not as defensive as
KO, WMT, WFC. I think investors are more likely to be just chasing higher
怎么感觉又回到了大牛市的过去,怎么回事?##############BAC今天到14有没有可能啊######################violent load [email protected]WLT死猫跳日经完蛋了,美股能好到哪里?爆乳爆乳躺不了确实比非死不可牛逼自勉,共勉,是为了更好的赚日,NBG 5块多了三师傅gsbac牛逼啊TSLA 今天1:30pm 的 super charger news女子因争执狠抓他人下体致死被判无期 (转载)花街这帮丫的玩数据玩政策是要搞死美国自己还是日本啊Option可以这样买卖吗大盘真的要挺不住了大盘马上就要不行了FNMA盘前暴跌AAPL突破450阻力操了把油船,没啥油水啊all right, too much watering so far, good luck to everybody