悬崖一跳,2012年的税都要上升# Stock
There's a common misperception about the fiscal cliff— that the tax
increases only apply to 2013. Not true.
In a cruel epilogue to 2012, roughly 28 million families would owe the IRS $
86 billion more than they anticipated for this year should the country
plunge off the cliff, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
On the whole, 98 percent of those with incomes between $200,000 to $500,000
would pay an additional $11,000 in AMT this year, according to the center's
estimates. About 88 percent of those with incomes of $100,000 to $200,000
would need to fork over another $3100, and even the majority of Americans
with earnings between $75,000 and $100,000 would have an AMT liability.
All of these income groups fit within the definition of "middle class" cited
by Democrats such as Obama and the types of "job creators" who Republicans
like Boehner claim should be protected from a higher tax burden.
Budget experts and lawmakers understand the threat, but not everyone is
The Citizens of Tax Justice recently broke down the anticipated costs and
concluded that nine-tenths of the $86 billion AMT would be paid by the top
20 percent of earners. Steve Wamhoff, legislative director for the group,
says that taxes would return to levels last seen under President Bill
Clinton. The AMT would — by many counts — make the tax system slightly
more progressive.
"If the AMT takes away some of the Bush tax cuts and causes people – only
among the richest 20 percent and mainly among the richest 5 percent of
Americans – to pay something closer to what they paid during the end of the
Clinton boom years," Wamhoff said, "it's hard to believe that will hurt our