The reason why A share will continue to rally.
The reason why A share will continue to rally.# Stock
Most of the chinese people do not trust stock market
and do not believe A share is rallying for real. I think that is a good
thing and that is the underlying reason why A share will continue to go up.
Market is always the opposite of the direction where herd is heading to. We
see bad sentiment around new year when everybody worried about Fiscal Cliff.
Now those people were left in the dust. So will those non-believers in
mainland china.
We have definitely seen the bottom in A share and gradually people are
starting to believe and put money in. Regardless how small, it has made huge
impactin the past two months because the volume was too low. So the easy
money is already made by people like you and me.
I think more and more people will start to believe and feel left out of the
train. I believe the train is leaving and there won't be major pull back for
A share for a while until majority of people start to put money in.
I will stick with 3188.HK for a while.
By the way someone was asking about the real A share ETF. What I did was I
sold my CAF when premium reached 10%. I simple open the Globe account in
Etrade and bought same amount of 3188.HK. You will loss about 1% when
convert curreny and each trade cost 300HKD. It is truly an arm and a leg.