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I like this comment# Stock
In American %13 of the pop is black. Yet %40 of prisoners in jail are black.
%4.8 of black makes call jail home. %52 of black graduate from high school.
1 in 5 black male dropouts have a full time job. They go to the same
schools as white people and still most decide not learn to speak proper
English. Then they complain they have a hard time getting good jobs when
they look, speak and act like like thugs. Maybe this will teach them its not
how they should be acting and dressing. Why wear a hood in a store? We aren
't aloud to wear masks, why hide your face with a hoody. Do they have to
pass a common sense law for dumb people to not hide your face while in a
store? They have a long way to go to become civilized. Problem is they are
taught to be like that by their parents from birth. So they are screwed from
the time they are born.
If you notice there isn't any educated people wearing suites in the crowd
of protesters against Zimmerman. The only people complaining are poor
uneducated people who dont look at the facts, they have him guilty no matter
what. Time for them to take responsibilities for THEIR OWN ACTIONS.
Read more:


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: In American %13 of the pop is black. Yet %40 of prisoners in jail are black.
: %4.8 of black makes call jail home. %52 of black graduate from high school.
: 1 in 5 black male dropouts have a full time job. They go to the same
: schools as white people and still most decide not learn to speak proper
: English. Then they complain they have a hard time getting good jobs when
: they look, speak and act like like thugs. Maybe this will teach them its not
: how they should be acting and dressing. Why wear a hood in a store? We aren
: 't aloud to wear masks, why hide your face with a hoody. Do they have to
: pass a common sense law for dumb people to not hide your face while in a
: store? They have a long way to go to become civilized. Problem is they are

看看martin那个女友, 高中生了, 还不能read!


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: In American %13 of the pop is black. Yet %40 of prisoners in jail are black.
: %4.8 of black makes call jail home. %52 of black graduate from high school.
: 1 in 5 black male dropouts have a full time job. They go to the same
: schools as white people and still most decide not learn to speak proper
: English. Then they complain they have a hard time getting good jobs when
: they look, speak and act like like thugs. Maybe this will teach them its not
: how they should be acting and dressing. Why wear a hood in a store? We aren
: 't aloud to wear masks, why hide your face with a hoody. Do they have to
: pass a common sense law for dumb people to not hide your face while in a
: store? They have a long way to go to become civilized. Problem is they are


In American of the pop is black. Yet @ of prisoners in jail are black.%4.8
of blac........

【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: In American %13 of the pop is black. Yet %40 of prisoners in jail are black.
: %4.8 of black makes call jail home. %52 of black graduate from high school.
: 1 in 5 black male dropouts have a full time job. They go to the same
: schools as white people and still most decide not learn to speak proper
: English. Then they complain they have a hard time getting good jobs when
: they look, speak and act like like thugs. Maybe this will teach them its not
: how they should be acting and dressing. Why wear a hood in a store? We aren
: 't aloud to wear masks, why hide your face with a hoody. Do they have to
: pass a common sense law for dumb people to not hide your face while in a
: store? They have a long way to go to become civilized. Problem is they are

参见最新好莱坞大片:The Purge


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: In American %13 of the pop is black. Yet %40 of prisoners in jail are black.
: %4.8 of black makes call jail home. %52 of black graduate from high school.
: 1 in 5 black male dropouts have a full time job. They go to the same
: schools as white people and still most decide not learn to speak proper
: English. Then they complain they have a hard time getting good jobs when
: they look, speak and act like like thugs. Maybe this will teach them its not
: how they should be acting and dressing. Why wear a hood in a store? We aren
: 't aloud to wear masks, why hide your face with a hoody. Do they have to
: pass a common sense law for dumb people to not hide your face while in a
: store? They have a long way to go to become civilized. Problem is they are

DADofBuffet (老宋) 真的是个才子。 赞 !!


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: In American %13 of the pop is black. Yet %40 of prisoners in jail are black.
: %4.8 of black makes call jail home. %52 of black graduate from high school.
: 1 in 5 black male dropouts have a full time job. They go to the same
: schools as white people and still most decide not learn to speak proper
: English. Then they complain they have a hard time getting good jobs when
: they look, speak and act like like thugs. Maybe this will teach them its not
: how they should be acting and dressing. Why wear a hood in a store? We aren
: 't aloud to wear masks, why hide your face with a hoody. Do they have to
: pass a common sense law for dumb people to not hide your face while in a
: store? They have a long way to go to become civilized. Problem is they are

谁叫国父那帮人当年搞黑奴买卖呢? 现在要pay back了。


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: In American %13 of the pop is black. Yet %40 of prisoners in jail are black.
: %4.8 of black makes call jail home. %52 of black graduate from high school.
: 1 in 5 black male dropouts have a full time job. They go to the same
: schools as white people and still most decide not learn to speak proper
: English. Then they complain they have a hard time getting good jobs when
: they look, speak and act like like thugs. Maybe this will teach them its not
: how they should be acting and dressing. Why wear a hood in a store? We aren
: 't aloud to wear masks, why hide your face with a hoody. Do they have to
: pass a common sense law for dumb people to not hide your face while in a
: store? They have a long way to go to become civilized. Problem is they are
