2 楼
you better long silver itself, not silver company, silver company might
experience hardship down the side, which means they could hit new low.
experience hardship down the side, which means they could hit new low.
刚才SP又没冲过1369,下午可能会狂泻到1300[通知] Stock 主题为<<对赌Feb 27周一大盘DJI涨跌>>的博彩已开奖一百二十点的大鸭梨这个故事已经病态了股市取胜之道Market rational or irrational?性浪盘后挤爆?黄金可能要到头了生命不息,炒股不止!PCLN is crazy大家都赚翻了吧?我是来泼冷水的FRO暴涨啊看来看去还是 znga 最牛亏废了@@!cmg insider sell这么好的天气rim怎么不来了?劲报新闻:欧洲同学告诉我,他们那边刚刚发生炸弹袭击赌sina ER的请来登记一下看来13000果真有大熊Waterfall is coming!