2 楼
Sell your AAPL stocks now and load long term AAPL deep in the money call, e.
g. AAPL Jan 14 400 call. Sell the call three months before expiration and
load with calls expiring in next 6 months. Adjust the strike price to
minimize the time value of the option. You should be able to gain your loss
back by the end of this year.
g. AAPL Jan 14 400 call. Sell the call three months before expiration and
load with calls expiring in next 6 months. Adjust the strike price to
minimize the time value of the option. You should be able to gain your loss
back by the end of this year.
3 楼
That is if the price of AAPL reaches 480 - 500 with in the next few months.
IMO, it should be very likely to happen.
IMO, it should be very likely to happen.
4 楼
appreciate it
appreciate it