JCP analysis# Stock
Why would JCP need more capital when 30 days ago they stated in the Q2
conference call that they would not need new financing and they would finish
the year with $1.5B in cash?
1) sales are not good Q3
This is contrary to anything that is being spoken by employees, and being
seen in stores. In Q2, June sales were better than May and July sales were
better than June percentage wise vs. last year. By all accounts back to
school sales were good. Ladies and gentlemen this is a trend.
2) the anonymous source is fictional
This is entirely possible. Shorts like retayl101 will lie, cheat, steal,
shoot grandma and sell the kids to make their trade work. Fund employees
like retayl101 will work nights and weekends to place post after post, under
various names, to get you to sell your shares to them. Every stock message
board that has a significant short interest position has a retayl101 working
from the short handbook to put doubt in your mind about holding that
companies shares. Will JCP management address the report Monday morning?
3) sales are better than estimated Q3
Ron Johnson lost $2.6B dollars in sales last year in Q3 and Q4. That my
friends might be an all time dubious record in the history of retail for an
on going concern. Talk about easy comparisons. JCP is seeing a positive
sales trend developing and may need to continue to adjust inventory in the
very important Q4 period. Q3 is always cash flow negative for JCP because of
the massive build up in inventory needed for sales in a very short window.
With the marketing plans they have for Q4 and current sales trends they may
be realizing they do not have enough basic merchandise to get through the
holiday season in a manner they would prefer. One JCP store manager recently
commented that his/her store was now focused on current sales vs. 2011
sales not 2012 sales. I predict 6 to 10 quarters of easy sales gains. Buy
JCP stock and short their competitors. The turnaround is happening.
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