共和党又乱来了,美国债务违约有可能!!!!# Stock
Boehner says US on a 'path' to default because Obama won't negotiate
Boehner says US on a 'path' to default because Obama won't negotiate
Vicki Needham - 10/06/13 11:55 AM ET
"All he has to do is pick up the phone. I'm ready to talk," the Speaker said
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Boehner says US on a 'path' to default because Obama won't negotiate
By Vicki Needham - 10/06/13 11:55 AM ET
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Sunday that the United States is hurtling
toward a default because of the White House's refusal to negotiate on a deb
t ceiling increase.
Boehner said "that's the path we're on" as long as President Obama refuses t
o sit down with congressional leaders and have a conversation about how to r
eopen the government and avoid a potentially catastrophic default.
"The president's refusal to talk is resulting in a possible default on our d
ebt," Boehner said on ABC's "This Week."
"All he has to do is pick up the phone. I'm ready to talk, I've been ready t
o talk."
Boehner said he hoped that the president canceling his trip to Asia this wee
kend would mean that he is ready to negotiate.
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) responded that his party is more than happy to
talk but not at the peril of future negotiations.
"This is playing with fire and we're happy to negotiate, but we want to nego
tiate without a gun to our head," he said on ABC.
He said he believes that the Speaker will blink.
"If you go for this kind of hostage-taking once, as the president did in 201
1 it doesn't go away it comes back worse and worse and worse."
Schumer said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and hard-right Republicans are "holding
him hostage."
"Up until now he hasn't had the courage or strength to resist them but so he
'll be forced to raise the debt ceiling."
Boehner also said the House does not have the votes to pass either a "clean"
stopgap spending measure or raise the debt limit, which the White House is
"I told the president that there's no way we're going to pass it when the vo
tes are not in the House to pass a clean debt limit," he said.
"We are not going down that path of passing a clean debt limit, it's time to
deal with America's problems," he said.
"How can you raise the debt limit and do nothing about the underlying proble
House Democrats argued that they certainly have their members behind passage
of a clean continuing resolution that would reopen the government and that
there is a growing number of Republicans on board to pass a bill without try
ing to defund or delay the healthcare law.
While Boehner agrees with the Treasury Department's assessment that the nati
on's economy is at risk of crashing without an increase in the $16.7 trillio
n debt ceiling, he balked at whether he would put a clean debt-limit bill on
the House floor to avoid default.
"It won't happen until there are serious conversations about spending levels
," he said.
The only way to end the stalemate, Boehner argued, is to bring everyone toge
ther to work out an agreement.
"It's going to end when the president decides to allow Harry Reid to talk to
me, to allow Patty Murray to talk to Paul Ryan. The president just can't si
t there and say 'I'm not going to negotiate.' "
Democrats and Republicans remain at loggerheads in the sixth day of a govern
ment shutdown and a looming debt ceiling increase.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said he will have exhausted all "extraordinary m
easures" to cover the nation's debts on Oct. 17.
Boehner told hold George Stephanopoulos that every president in modern histo
ry has negotiated over the debt limit to force big policy changes "and, gues
s what George, they're going to be used again."
"My goal here is to not have the United States default on its debt," he said
"My goal here is to have a serious conversation about those things that are
driving the deficit and driving the debt up.
"I'm willing to sit down and have a conversation with the president but his
refusal to negotiate is putting our country at risk," he said.
Boehner suggested that House Republicans will continue their push to make sw
eeping changes ObamaCare, saying that the president's healthcare law will ra
ise the cost of insurance premiums and make it "almost impossible" for emplo
yers to hire.
He argued that the Obama administration has provided waivers to big business
es and unions under the healthcare law but "they're forcing the American peo
ple to buy a product that they do not want and cannot afford."
He said any deal would include progress on entitlement reform without tax in
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said last week that Boehner reneg
ed on an agreement forged in July that Senate Democrats would accept lower s
pending levels in exchange for passing a "clean" spending measure without an
y healthcare amendments.Boehner acknowledged that there were several convers
ations about taking that route and conceded that he thought the fight would
be over the debt ceiling not on a CR.
Boehner argued that since the "this fight was going to come one way or the o
ther" it would be best to go after it now.
"But I and my members decided that the threat of ObamaCare was so important
that it was time for us to take a stand," he said.
"I, working with my members, decided to do this in a unified way."
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【在 M*****t 的大作中提到】
: Boehner says US on a 'path' to default because Obama won't negotiate
: Boehner says US on a 'path' to default because Obama won't negotiate
: Vicki Needham - 10/06/13 11:55 AM ET
: "All he has to do is pick up the phone. I'm ready to talk," the Speaker said
: .…
: Read more:
: Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase: Boehner
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The government shutdown
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) addresses reporters during a news con
ference with fellow House Republicans at the U.S. Capitol in Washington Octo
ber 4, 2013. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
By Caren Bohan
WASHINGTON | Sun Oct 6, 2013 10:54am EDT
(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said on Sunda
y that there is "no way" Republican lawmakers will agree to a measure to rai
se the nation's debt ceiling unless it includes conditions to rein in defici
t spending.
Pressed on the ABC news program "This Week" on whether the Republican-led Ho
use would pass a "clean" debt ceiling increase that included no conditions,
Boehner replied: "I told the president, there's no way we're going to pass o
"We're not going down that path," he added. "It is time to deal with America
's problems. How can you raise the debt limit and do nothing about the under
lying problem?"
As the country moved into the sixth day of a government shutdown, Boehner wa
s equally adamant that Republicans would demand concessions for any bill to
reopen the government.
Republicans want changes to President Barack Obama's signature healthcare la
w known as Obamacare as a condition for backing a measure to fund government
Obama and the Democratic-led Senate have rejected that demand.
Obama has also said it is the responsibility of Congress to raise the debt l
imit by an October 17 deadline when the government will begin running short
of the funds needed to pay its bills.
He has said he will not negotiate with Republicans over that issue.
On the impasse over the government shutdown, Boehner said there had "absolut
ely not" been any changes in the Republican position on the bill to fund the
(Additional reporting by Paul Simao; Editing by Sandra Maler)


【在 M*****t 的大作中提到】
: Boehner says US on a 'path' to default because Obama won't negotiate
: By Vicki Needham - 10/06/13 11:55 AM ET
: Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Sunday that the United States is hurtling
: toward a default because of the White House's refusal to negotiate on a deb
: t ceiling increase.
: Boehner said "that's the path we're on" as long as President Obama refuses t
: o sit down with congressional leaders and have a conversation about how to r
: eopen the government and avoid a potentially catastrophic default.
: "The president's refusal to talk is resulting in a possible default on our d
: ebt," Boehner said on ABC's "This Week."

什么叫做乱来?Let all voice be heard!共和党是肯定要附加条件的,否则以后没法


【在 M*****t 的大作中提到】
: 共和党开价,债务上限上调必须答应共和党的条件,奥巴马肯定不会同意
: U.S. Republicans will not pass 'clean' debt-limit increase: Boehner
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没看出来巴马 为嘛这么 nb,政府关门没啥大不了的,可是欠债不还,美元不就变成
津巴布维 币了吗?
记得离蔓倒台,不是说泡儿僧 跪地祈求议会通过救助资金的吗?

【在 t*****9 的大作中提到】
: 没看出来巴马 为嘛这么 nb,政府关门没啥大不了的,可是欠债不还,美元不就变成
: 津巴布维 币了吗?
: 记得离蔓倒台,不是说泡儿僧 跪地祈求议会通过救助资金的吗?

不可能违约的,这是原则性的问题,谁都承担不了这个责任。 不过戏要做足,双方肯
^ 但是拿违约做为赌注这本身就会损害美元的地位,别人会知道:这东西也是有风险的

【在 BR 的大作中提到】
: ^ 但是拿违约做为赌注这本身就会损害美元的地位,别人会知道:这东西也是有风险的
: ,不像原来以为的一样,全球最保险。


【在 BR 的大作中提到】
: ^ 但是拿违约做为赌注这本身就会损害美元的地位,别人会知道:这东西也是有风险的
: ,不像原来以为的一样,全球最保险。
