2 楼
大行情is made up by a lot of 小行情
hard to know 大行情 vs 小行情 before hand
MHP is always easy
For example, right now
the market stalled after new high
Is this just a 小行情(correction)
or is this a 大行情 (crash)?
hard to know 大行情 vs 小行情 before hand
MHP is always easy
For example, right now
the market stalled after new high
Is this just a 小行情(correction)
or is this a 大行情 (crash)?
TSLA 盘前140快快快! 砸锅卖铁买两房!硅谷已成印度谷(ZZ) (转载)what is the target of FNMA???大家怎么处理阿曼达的?DATE 飙了林彪发丝了,纠结!!!赌PCLN还是TSLA跌的多。ER后。纳值牛逼啊TSLA本月最大的赌注。。。。。。。。。。。。今天大家都很高兴!scty旱地拔葱了LAiam发丝了PCLN马上回到99年IT泡沫的价格了有木有人那天 TSLA 暴跌到110一下的时候爆乳的load HLFFIST SHUTTLE FOR Black Berry start here!!!tradeking现在才能登录进去,太耽误事了外婆了,只好把这个当龙虾吃了!!!!!要不要覆盖斯纳?