这个11月刚出来A股ETF(ASHR)的和CAF比怎么样# Stock
总觉CAF得是个closed fund,不知道它背后的真实价值到底是多少,而且觉得庄炒得比
ASHR :"the DB X-trackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares Fund",
11/6/2013 launched ,资本108million,跟踪 CSI 300 Index。
New China A-shares ETF draws most seed capital in 6 years
November 6, 2013, 6:12 PM
Sure, Twitter’s TWTR -0.43% trading debut has many investors all
excited, but a new China exchange-traded fund that began trading Wednesday
is also making waves.
ShutterstockA new China ETF sparks demand.
What’s so special about it? A couple of things.
1) A lot of early interest: The new fund managed to draw the biggest initial
capital investment for any ETF since 2007, according to a Deutsche Bank
release that cites Bloomberg data. The ETF — the DB X-trackers Harvest CSI
300 China A-Shares Fund ASHR -1.37% — launched Wednesday with $108
million in seed capital, indicating demand in the early going. ASHR edged up
in its first day of trading, according to FactSet data.
2) Not the tourist menu? This Deutsche Bank ETF is the first to offer direct
access to certain Chinese stocks that historically have seen limited
foreign investment. This class of equities is called A-shares. Other ETFs
have provided exposure to the world’s No. 2 economy via other share classes
like H-shares out of Hong Kong.
“You’re investing alongside the Chinese public,” said Martin Kremenstein,
head of passive asset management for Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management
Americas. He agreed that you could liken ASHR to getting the menu for locals
at a restaurant in China, rather than an English-language menu for tourists.
Competition from other ETFs
While Deutsche Bank gets to say “first,” its new ETF could soon end up
being not all that unique. Other ETF providers are working to launch funds
with direct access to A-shares. Van Eck’s Market Vectors business and
KraneShares are in that camp, as noted by Barron’s and ETF Trends.
The Market Vectors China ETF PEK -0.38% already offers access to A-
shares, but it does that via derivatives. Having direct access to the
underlying A-shares rather than derivatives-based access is “usually
superior as the counter party risk is eliminated,” said ETF industry
veteran Christian Magoon in an email to MarketWatch. The PowerShares China A
-Share Portfolio CHNA also offers access to A-shares, but mainly via
ASHR aims to track the CSI 300 Index, which includes the 300 largest and
most liquid securities trading on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges. In
terms of performance, keep in mind there are other China ETFs that have
outperformed the CSI 300 over the past five years, as one ETF analyst has
ASHR’s expense ratio is 1.08%, but Kremenstein said it should go down to 0.
90% over time.
–Victor Reklaitis